Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

TagIslam and its Destruction of non-Muslim sites

Iran: Seven historic synagogues in Tehran destroyed

Muslims are drawn to Nazism like a moth to a flame. Arabs were led by the “Arab High Command”, headed by the infamous Grand Mufti, Haj Amin Al-Husseini who was Hitler’s ally and point man, assisting Hitler in recruiting Muslims for the German side in World War II. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that a second holocaust has begun in Tehran. Via ADNKronos: Seven ancient...

The Latest Damage to Antiquities on the Temple Mount

The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs has just published an article called The Latest Damage to Antiquities on the Temple Mount. An excerpt: It is only too evident that the on-going Waqf excavations on the Temple Mount, which are generally carried out without archaeological supervision of any kind, have severely damaged antiquities from many periods. Since 2004, archaeologist Dr. Gabi Barkai...

Iran Plans on Destroying Tomb of King Cyrus, Friend of the Jews

I like to think that I am no longer shocked by what Islamists do, by who they kill, by how they behead, by what they mutilate. I like to think that I am no longer shocked by what historical sites Islamists detonate, deface, or deform, or what rich and multi-layered cultural sites they wipe out, like the Bamiyan statues, Joseph’s tomb, or Rachel’s tomb, all in order to infuse their...

Arabs Desecrate Grave of Biblical Joshua

Just when you thought that Muslims couldn’t stoop any lower, what do they do? They go and desecrate the graves of the great Jewish Biblical Joshua, Caleb and Nun (Joshua’s father). Joshua served as the Jewish Nation’s Prime Minister from the year 2488 until 2516 on the Hebrew calendar (1272 BCE – 1300 BCE). Members of the One Shechem organization that organizes visits to the...

Hebron Jewish cemetery desecrated again

From Israel Today: Hebron’s ancient Jewish cemetery was severely desecrated last week, Israel Radio reported. Police investigators said the cemetery has been targeted numerous times over the past year. In the latest incident, a large number of tombstones were defaced, mezuzot were ripped off the local prayer house and other sacred items were damaged. Hebron is Judaism’s second holiest...

Islamic maniacs try to blast ancient Buddha statue in Pakistan

Muslims have shown their respect for history by getting rid of artifacts that they view as anti-Islam or by getting rid of artifacts that pre-date Muhammed, who wasn’t born until around 570 AD. Most folks have long forgotten the ancient Buddhas of Bamiyan, which was an official UNESCO Historic Site. A lot of good it did for those amazing works, carved into the sand cliffs in central...

Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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