“A breeding ground for terrorists.” “University of Jihad.” Those are just some of the phrases used to described the Pakistani madrassa system, a network of Islamic schools where children as young as six are taught to memorize every verse and phrase of the Koran. The Karachi Kids takes the viewer behind the shrouded curtain of a Pakistani madrassa to show a world of abuse, loneliness and transformation into radical Islam. Filmed over the course of years, the Karachi Kids tracks the changes of two middle class brothers from Atlanta whose father, a Pakistani taxi driver enraged at the influence of
Read More +No doubt. Mohammedans were firmly in love with Hitler, so much so, that 20,000 Muslims volunteered to fight in the Muslim S.S. division named the Handzar” (scimitar) division, which was brutal in the ethnic cleansing of the Serbian regions in eastern Bosnia. The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Amin el Husseini, in addition to the carnage he engineered against Jews during the murderous campaign against them in 1920, 1929 and 1936, willfully planned, assembled, organized, and killed Jews in Hungary and Croatia with the assistance of those 20,000 Muslims during World War II with Hitler’s assistance. Via JPost: “A confluence of
Read More +Christians need to read how Islam has abrogated the holiness of Jesus and Mary. Robert Spencer breaks it down for you. Via Jihad Watch: In this latest installment of my Blogging the Qur’an series at Hot Air (many links in the original), Jesus the slave of Allah is born: This is another Meccan sura. In the first part of Muhammad’s career, a group of Muslims migrated from Arabia to Abyssinia. One of the Muslims recited the material here about Mary and Jesus to the Christian ruler of Abyssinia, showing him that Muslims believed in Jesus, but not as the Son
Read More +Warning: Discretion advised. These are extremely graphic photos of the aftermath of the slaughter and mutilation of Jews by a Muslim barbarian at Jerusalem’s Merkaz HaRav Yeshiva, taken by photo journalist Shlomo Wollins. These photos demonstrate once again what Muslims are capable of when they escape from their cages, are let loose into civilization, and attack their prey. Warning: Graphic photos.
Read More +Excellent talking points are identified below for readers who are in a situation where you have to debate someone who proclaims that the Koran doesn’t teach violence any more than the “Bible or Torah”. Excerpted from Jihad Watch, written by the expert Robert Spencer: I discuss this very common argument at length in my book Religion of Peace?; suffice it to say here that van der Galiën’s statement, that the Qur’an doesn’t teach violence any more than the “Bible or Torah” is flatly false. For while the Bible contains descriptions of violent acts committed in the name of God, nowhere
Read More +If you want to understand how the enemy of G-d thinks. From How to Understand Islam: A review of Arguing the Just War in Islam by John Kelsay, Islam: Past, Present and Future by Hans Kung, Jihad in Islamic History: Doctrines and Practice by Michael Bonner, Infidel by Ayaan Hirsi Ali, and Secularism Confronts Islam by Olivier Roy.
Read More +From Muzzling in the Name of Islam: In August, Swedish artist Lars Vilks drew a cartoon with Mohammed’s head on a dog’s body. He is now in hiding after al-Qaeda in Iraq placed a bounty of $100,000 on his head (with a $50,000 bonus if his throat is slit). Some of the world’s most repressive governments are attempting to use the controversy to provide legitimacy for their suppression of their critics in the name of respect for Islam. In particular, the Organization of the Islamic Conference is seeking to rewrite international human rights standards to curtail any freedom of expression
Read More +Almost seven years ago to the day, IDF soldiers have arrested the last of the Palestinian Authority (PA) terrorists responsible for the brutal lynching of two IDF reservists in Ramallah seven years ago. Soldiers apprehended 36-year-old Tanzim terrorist Hayman Zaben in Shechem early Wednesday. Zaben was one of those responsible for bludgeoning to death IDF reservists Vadim Nurzitz and Yossi Avrahami in a PA police station in Ramallah in October, 2000. The two Israeli reserve soldiers had accidentally entered PA-controlled Ramallah, just six miles north of Jerusalem, and were arrested by PA police. It was once they were in custody
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