Lee Kaplan of DAFKA, StopTheISM and author of several articles on FrontPageMagazine wrote me and asked me to post about the real circumstances under which Rachel Corrie died. In the three videos below, Lee Kaplan, along with Becky Johnson, discuss the real circumstances surrounding the death of ISM anarchist Rachel Corrie in March of 2003 when she knelt in front of an Israeli bulldozer being a...
New Yorkers protesting Israel
Do you recognize any of these people? These are American citizens in NYC carrying the flags of the entity calling itself palestine who are trying to shut down a Jewish business. The protest are I.S.M led hate fests designed to drum up support for Hamas, a terrorist organization responsible for persecuting Christians and desecrating churches in Gaza. The New York UAC jumped to action this weekend...
Three British Women Activists and Members of ISM Caught Destroying Jewish Vineyards
Destruction under the guise of Humanitarian Assistance brought to you by some of the she-pigs at ISM. Greta Berlin must be so happy. From INN: Jewish-owned vineyards in Samaria were once again destroyed by leftist “humanitarian groups” Friday. This time some were caught in the act and arrested. Shortly after residents of Dolev, located north of Jerusalem, discovered Friday that a local synagogue...
The bogus creation of a Palestinian people
Hannah Mermelstein, this post is for you. Why? See, Hannah, I think you’re a stooge, a real dope. You should read the page on Palestinians in The Peace Encyclopedia. It’s an eye-opener, hard-hitting and accurate, laying out the stages in the bogus creation of a Palestinian people. I mean, if I were you, and thank G-d, I am not, I would really hate myself for being such a moron and for...
What is Birthright Unplugged?
I’m sickened by the deceit of the anti-Israel group, Birthright Unplugged, whose mission it is to deny the facts that 1) Israel was restored to the indigenous Jewish people as a legitimate and sovereign nation with the imprimatur of the United Nations and 2) has been a member of the world body since 1949. Birthright Unplugged is an anti-Israel group which partners with a number of radical...
The ISM Terror Connection
The International Solidarity Movements (ISM) describes itself as “a palestinian-led movement committed to resisting the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land.” Though professing a commitment to nonviolence, ISM members openly advocate the liberation” of palestinians “by any means necessary,” including “legitimate armed struggle.” Led by palestinians...
College Campus pro-Israel Activism: DAFKA.ORG
Ronald Radosh writes in The Real Agenda of the New Student Left that there is an emergence of a new and dangerous student anti-war movement, one that seeks to confuse its audience by the rhetoric of peace and human rights, while in fact seeking to organize a new anti-capitalist and anti-Israel campus activism. It is truly a coalition of the leftover Left- a group seeking anxiously to create a new...
Teaching Law-Breaking at UC-Berkeley
Excerpted from Front Page Magazine, by Lee Kaplan: The purpose of a law school is to teach law, not to provide a forum for political propaganda and illegal activity. That would likely come as news to the Boalt Hall School of Law at the University of California at Berkeley. While the school is touted as one of the premier educational institutions in the country, it is affiliated with a law student...