More evidence of human rights frauds as of June 16, 2008: Petition Presented Against UN Incitement to Terrorism A UN report to the Human Rights Council by Special Rapporteur John Dugard disregards international legal standards against terrorism and excuses the killing of innocents. We call upon the United Nations to withdraw this discreditable report from circulation. Watch the video here.
Read More +The residents of Sderot, represented by Attorney Nitsana Darshan- Leitner, director of Shurat HaDin Israel Law Center (, have dispatched a series of letters to Israeli government, parliamentary, military and legal officials calling upon Israel to stop supplying petroleum to the Hamas-led Gaza Strip. The residents allege in their letters that Hamas siphons off more than half of the gasoline supplied from Israel for use in terror related activities including the daily Kassam rocket attacks, the incessant shootings at the farmers in the field, as well as the murderous attack last week on the Nachal Oz gasoline depot in which
Read More +Our plea to the world to prevent Jean Ziegler—founder of the “Muammar Khaddafi Human Rights Prize”— from being elected to the UN Human Rights Council has been ignored because no one cares if a Jew lives or dies, especially the Muslim despots that have infected and infiltrated the United Nations over the last 60 years. Sadly, to the sound of cheers, and by an overhwelming majority of 40 out of 47 votes, the UN Human Rights Council today elected Jean Ziegler, the co-founder of the “Muammar Khaddafi Human Rights Prize,” as an expert advisor representing the Western world. And for
Read More +The excellent Julia Gorin writes that in a standardly anti-Jewish Christian Science Monitor article titled “The Arabs on the Outside”, which details the hindered lives of some palestinians thanks to the security wall that Israel has built (and made adjustments to when the situation demands) has also created a mobility problem for Arabs living on the other side of it. The article highlights the (sniff-sniff) poor Arab, Sherifa Shawara, who wants to get married. The second-year college student doesn’t lack for suitors. The problem is where she lives. Although Shawara lives within the Israeli-drawn boundaries of Jerusalem, she holds a
Read More +From Responding to Hamas Attacks from Gaza – Issues of Proportionality: Israel is forced to act in self-defense to protect itself from deliberate missile attacks on its civilians by Hamas terrorists. Although Hamas makes no effort to comply with international law, Israel is committed to limiting itself to a lawful response. This means that, while Hamas uses civilians both as a shield and a target, Israel seeks to limit injury to civilians on both sides. International law recognizes that for a military operation to be lawful, it must be directed at a “legitimate military objective” and be “proportionate.” Under the
Read More +From What Is Israel to Do? Ignore the Attacks?: Israel withdrew all its forces and civilians from Gaza more than two years ago. It created the first opportunity in Gaza’s history for self-governance. Never before, certainly not during Egyptian military rule till 1967, did local residents have their fate in their own hands. Those who predicted that governance would moderate the Hamas message were proven wrong. And those in capitals from Moscow to Riyadh who believed they could talk sense to Hamas had little to show for their efforts. Israel faces an Iranian-financed franchise on its border. Since Israel left
Read More +Written by Prof. Gerald M. Steinberg and Published in the Jerusalem Post, December 9th 2007 Monday, December 10 is International Human Rights Day – commemorating the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the members of the United Nations in 1948. Following the unimaginable horrors of the Holocaust, the signatories pledged to protect the “inherent dignity” and the “equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family.” But like other promises made during this period, this one was also soon violated. In much of the world, human rights, including the basic right to life, are given
Read More +How quiet the global community is about this story. When the US executes a criminal after trials and appeals, it’s top news for days and weeks. When Israel kills a palestinian arab in self-defense, they are made out to be monsters. But when a Muslim country executes its own criminals, CNN won’t dispatch Christiane Amanpour to do a story about it. Typical international double-standards. Well, I have no sympathy for the Muslim dead. Poor Saudi Arabia could only dream of what life beyond the 7th century might be like, for it is a kingdom in name only; in reality, Saudi
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