Al Qaeda attack on Britain Imminent


Folks, I first heard about an impending Muslim terror attack from a reader who pointed to this article, Al Qaeda attack on Britain Imminent, then I heard a corroborating report last evening on network television. The network report stated that Muslims are targetting to blow up the Chunnel, the railroad tunnel between France and England under the English Channel over the New Year holidays. “It will be a miracle if there isn’t a terror attack over the holidays in London,” a senior American law enforcement official tells

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New threats by Al-Qaeda single out Britain


The threat of a terrorist attack on European soil by Islamic madmen has increased substantially in recent months, according to European counterterrorism officials. In a new videotape released Wednesday, al-Qaeda’s deputy leader Ayman al-Zawahiri singled out Britain as a historical enemy of Muslims, blaming it for the creation of Israel and the downfall of the Ottoman Empire. He also said al-Qaeda would continue to plan attacks on the U.S. and its “Crusader” allies in Europe.

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