From Those Who Harm Israel Will Pay the Full Price: Predictions regarding Israel’s possible demise are becoming increasingly fashionable among some elements worldwide. Israel is the only country in the world that sees other countries calling for wiping it off the map. On Holocaust Memorial Day, we are permitted to – and in fact, obligated to – make it clear to others that there...
IDF Air Strike Kills Shalit Kidnapper
Great news. HaShem has avenged the kidnapping of Gilad Shalit. Israel’s Air Force launched an air strike Thursday morning killing a Hamas terrorist involved in the kidnapping of IDF Cpl. Gilad Shalit. The air strike, which was based on information from the Shabak (General Security Service) was carried out in Rafiah, along Gaza’s southern border with Sinai, as the terrorist, Nafez Mantzour, was...
Airstrike Targets Palestinian Rocket Barbarians
Good news. An Israel air force aircraft on Tuesday attacked a Palestinian rocket squad in the northern Gaza Strip, wounding four of its henchmen. Earlier in the day, palestinian murderers fired three rockets into Israel. May the murderous Muslim barbarians never recover from their wounds.
Israel Will Act to End Palestinian Rocket Attacks
It better bring an end to it. Jewish blood is not cheap, Arabists. Like a bully in a playground, you picked on the wrong kid to give a bloody nose. From Israel Will Act to End Palestinian Rocket Attacks: Defense Minister Ehud Barak said Thursday, “The IDF will continue in its ongoing operation [in Gaza] and deepen it in order to strike at the perpetrators, until the [rocket] firing...
The Next War with Hizbullah
The IDF could have crippled the Hezbollah bastards, if they weren’t so worried about world opinion. From Strategic Assessment/Institute for National Security Studies-Tel Aviv University, The Next War with Hizbullah: Hizbullah’s main operational goal prior to the July 2006 war was to conduct a war of attrition against the Israeli home front. Hizbullah invested most of its efforts in...