British perfidy and British war crimes, still unpunished to this day. Via INN: Exodus ship survivor France Goldberg, 88, of Pittsburgh, will be one of 210 new immigrants to arrive in Israel on Tuesday. The Nefesh B’Nefesh (NBN) flight is scheduled to arrive at approximately 7 a.m., and dignitaries and the press will welcome the olim (new immigrant) at the old Terminal One facility at Ben...
Today in Jewish History: Neo-nazis in Skokie, Illinois
Sponsored by In 1977, a neo-Nazi group planned to march in Skokie, Illinois, in a largely Jewish neighborhood that was home to many Holocaust survivors. It was believed that the march would be disruptive, and the city refused to allow it. The American Civil Liberties Union came to the Nazis’ support, and in 1978 a high court upheld the Nazis’ right to march, on the grounds...
The stories of six survivors who have rebuilt their lives in Israel
Yad Vashem chose six Holocaust survivors to light a torch at the state ceremony of Yom Hashoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day) on Wednesday night. They are Menachem Katz, Noemi Shadmi, Zvi Unger, Esther Samuel-Cahn, Michael Maor, and Meir Brand.
Click here to read their stories.