A Win Win Solution to the Arab Israeli Conflict


A true solution requires confronting two fundamental issues: 1. Current proposals, including the Road Map, are totally unworkable and should be abandoned. 2. An entirely fresh approach is required that is free of imposed constraints. The purpose of this essay is first to briefly challenge the entrenched mindset and then advance a win-win solution for both Jews and Arabs. Before proposing the proper solution it is necessary to first demonstrate the falsity and futility of some of the main arguments intrinsic to the Oslo Accords and to the Road Map. Demonstrably false argument 1. – Israel should trade land for

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Egypt newspaper: Holocaust a lie and the hoax of the 20th century


Folks, once again, the jealous Arab nation of Egypt has manufactured a series of articles that deny the Holocaust, and claim Jews invented “lies of genocide” to extort the West and make possible the establishment of the Jewish state. Dr. Rif’at Sayyed Ahmad, director of the “Jaffa Research Center” in Cairo and columnist for Al-Liwaa Al-Islami, which is the Egypt’s ruling National Democratic Party’s paper, published a two-part article titled ‘The Lie About The Burning of the Jews.’ In his article, Ahmad stated, using the work of Western Holocaust deniers, that the burning of Jews in gas chambers during World

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Jewish Extemist Hoax


From the Voice of Judea: ===== TEMPLE MOUNT BLAST ONLY A HOAX Freshly pasted posters were recently spotted in Jerusalem today, on billboards outside of the Schneller Army Base, carrying the following message: “FAST OF TISHA B’AV CANCELLED!” “The Fast of Tisha BAv has been canceled, now that Jewish ‘extremists’ have succeeded in demolishing the Dome of The Rock. Tractors are making there way through the Old City to begin clearing the rubble and rebuilding the Holy Temple.” Voice of Judea Commentary: The posters which have been ripped down almost as quickly as they were pasted up can teach us

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Deir Yassin


Arabs blame Arab hatred of Israel on the “massacre” at Deir Yassin in April 1948 and claim that Israel was attacked in May 1948, one day AFTER her rebirth, because of Deir Yassin. Folks, the massacre at Deir Yassin is a hoax, perpetrated by Jew haters, arabists and terrorist apologists. Here are the facts about Deir Yassin as detailed in a PBS documentary, “The 50 Years War: Israel and the Arabs,” which was broadcast nationally on January 24, 1999. * Deir Yassin was heavily-armed. Deir Yassin was not an unarmed, peaceful village, as Arab propagandists claim. Rather, it was a

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Time To Go – Arik


The Government of Israel, is now conducting a chain of critical mistakes which will be painful and costly to undo in years to come. Few of those are: · Allowing Arafat to freely manage terrorism, as well as to control Palestinian diplomacy. This is literally a disgrace. People die all the time directly as a result of this hoax. No serious progress with the Palestinians will ever be possible, as long as that man is there. · The continuous Israeli embracing of the “Road Map” as the only valid diplomatic platform. Israel agreed to a package of concessions in the

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