Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel


Al-Dura Trial: Karsenty Wins in Paris

The truth emerges about Palestinianism, Palestiniasts, Pallywood and the al-Dura hoax. Via HonestReporting. com: The iconic images of Mohammad al-Dura’s alleged death in Gaza inflamed Palestinian sentiment and provoked terrible bloodshed. Despite the evidence that Israel was not responsible for firing the bullets that hit al-Dura, and doubts as to the credibility of the footage taken from...

Arab Hoaxes

The latest issue of Think-Israel has the following articles on Arab Hoaxes to add to your resource library: Independent Expert: Idf Bullets Didn’t Kill Mohammed Al-Dura by Adi SchwartzThe Blackout – A Hamas-Aljazeera Co-Production/Staged Gaza Blackout Pictures by Martin SolomonLights [Off]. Camera. Action by Amir MizrochArab Belligerence, Israeli Self-Abasement by Kenneth...

French Ballistics Expert in al-Dura Libel Case: Gaza Child Wasn’t Killed by Israeli Gunfire

What we already knew. More compelling evidence on the Mohammed al-Dura hoax. From French Ballistics Expert in al-Dura Libel Case: Gaza Child Wasn’t Killed by Israeli Gunfire: A report presented to a French court last week by independent ballistics expert Jean-Claude Schlinger maintains that the death of Mohammed al-Dura, a Palestinian child shot in Gaza on the first day of the intifada in...

Celebrating a kleptocracy

Fatah is planning to mark its 43rd anniversary this year with a new poster that presents all of Israel as palestine. Designed specifically for the occasion by Abdel Mun’em Ibrahim, the poster features a map of Israel that is entirely draped with a Palestinian keffiyeh scarf. However, if anyone knew the fraud and hoax of the entity calling itself ‘palestine’, they would look at...

Video: Virgins of Paradise Music Video Returns to PA TV

It was proven that the Mohamad al-Dura tape was a hoax, so the Muslim barbarians have to come up with a new angle. Hence, the brainwashing begins anew. From Virgins of Paradise Music Video Returns to PA TV: A music video depicting a martyr for Allah being greeted in Paradise by the Dark Eyed Maidens (Virgins) has returned to PA television. The clip portrays a woman being shot in the back by...

Wounds of Mohamed al Dura’s Father Date Back to 1992, Surgeon Reveals

Excerpted from Pajama Media: Jamal al Dura, who claims that Israelis fired at him and his son in 2000, was in fact injured by axe blade and not bullets in1992, according to an Israeli surgeon who performed reconstructive surgery on the wounds two years later. PJM’s Nidra Poller reports on the latest startling development in the mother of all fauxtography cases: The wounds purportedly sustained on...

Starring on CNN

A must read. Christiane Amanpour, may your hand wither, your tongue split, and may you hemorrhage from your nose so that you will never again spread your filthy lies falsely equating Islam with a moral relativity equal to Judaism or Christianity. From Starring on CNN: Did you see me? I was on CNN. My allotted portion amounted to 1.5 seconds. And I shared it with three others while the CNN...

Israeli Government Officially Confirms Al-Dura Footage was Staged Blood Libel Against IDF

We all knew it. And the Jew-hating Muslim thugs knew it too. Now the mask is off. From Shurat HaDin Israel Law Center: In response to a warning letter sent by Shurat HaDin to the Israeli Government Press Office (GPO) more than 9 months ago, GPO Director Danny Seaman has written a formal acknowledgment that FRANCE 2 Television staged the infamous news footage depicting a Palestinian child being...

Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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