A Letter to the Editor of the New York Times, from Gerald Steinberg, Executive Director of NGO Monitor: In his oped, Nicolas Kristof (June 22, “The Two Israels”) illustrates the danger of the “halo effect” that surrounds many powerful non-governmental organizations, which use distorted human rights claims to promote ideological agendas. While otherwise very professional journalists question and...
What is Machsom Watch?
The she-pigs at Machsom Watch love to tour Hebron and other parts of the legitimate and sovereign nation of Israel with groups of Israelis and non-Israelis, against the Jews of Hebron by giving false, warped presentations. Furthermore, the she-pigs at Machsom Watch act with the cooperation of Palestinian interlopers and marauders in order to undermine the operations of the Israel Defence Forces...
Israel Government betrays its own claim to Hebron
To my Jewish brethren in Israel: Rebuild your nation, defend your people from your government’s oppression, defend your people from the barbarian Arabs, and rid yourselves of the cancerous entity “Peace Now”. There is no longer a single Jew in the Israeli government. The government is filled with men of little faith. Israel has indeed fallen from grace. From INN: The State...
Jew submits Bill Calling For Jew-Free Hebron
If you uprooted a group of people from their homes anywhere else it would be a war crime according to the Geneva Protocols. From Israel National News: The far-left Meretz party submitted a bill Wednesday calling for removing all Jews from Hevron, the city of the Biblical Jewish patriarchs and matriarchs. The National Union threatened to respond with a bill calling for removing the Arab residents...
Hebron Jewish cemetery desecrated again
From Israel Today: Hebron’s ancient Jewish cemetery was severely desecrated last week, Israel Radio reported. Police investigators said the cemetery has been targeted numerous times over the past year. In the latest incident, a large number of tombstones were defaced, mezuzot were ripped off the local prayer house and other sacred items were damaged. Hebron is Judaism’s second holiest...
Exchange of letters between Hebron Jewish community spokesman and CNN prior to CNN’s airing of “Warriors of G-d”
Read more of CNN’s defense of Christiane Amanpour’s pimping on behalf of pan-Arabia. Received by email:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hebron and CNN Following the screening of the CNN production “Warriors of G-d”, including a 2 hour segment dealing with Judaism and Israel, I think it appropriate to post the following two letters, between myself and Mr. Jonathan Klein, President of...
Stop calling them “settlers”
I really wish some Jews would stop calling other Jews “settlers”. It is disconcerting to read here comments by some Jews about other Jews who deny that these “settler” Jews are indigenous to Judea, and that Jews have no right to live in Hebron, the oldest Jewish city in history. Instead, those Jews who call other Jews “settlers” help to enable the redefinition...
Israel orders rabbi out of oldest Jewish city
Israel is the only nation in the world that forcibly evicts its own civilians in order to appease its enemies. Doing so is an assault on G-d, it’s an assault on faith in G-d, it’s an assault on Israel’s nationality and sovereignty, it’s an offense to those Jews who died defending Jerusalem, it’s a sign of weakness and cowardice, it’s a symptom of self-loathing...