Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel


German-Iranian Gas Deal Criticized

Germany once again rears its ugly head and assists in cultivating a Jew-hating regime. This is not to be believed, from German-Iranian Gas Deal Criticized: The Simon Wiesenthal Center on Wednesday urged Chancellor Angela Merkel to block a $156 million deal between Germany’s Steiner and the Iranian government to build three gas liquefaction facilities, saying it would “embolden”...

Hundreds march in Latvia to commemorate Waffen SS unit

It’s still my father’s Europe. Via IHT: About 3,000 Latvians marched through the capital Sunday under heavy police protection to honor countrymen who fought in a German combat unit during World War II. The procession, included a few surviving members of the WaffenSS unit known as the Latvian Legion, was met by dozens of jeering protesters as it arrived at the Freedom Monument, in...

Islamists planned attacks across Europe

Reuters likes to call them “Islamist extremists”, but that is duplicitous term, because the word “Islamist” already implies “extremist”. Regardless, this should come as no surprise to anyone, except of course Islamists, their defenders and apologists. From Islamists planned attacks across Europe: Islamist extremists were planning attacks across Europe...

Holocaust scholar: ‘Jew’ has become curse word among German youth

It will always remain my father’s Europe. And Ha’aretz, the leading left-wing rag out of Israel, will make sure it remains that way. From Holocaust scholar: ‘Jew’ has become curse word among German youth: German schools are failing in educating students about the Holocaust, a new study by a political education center has found, as German youth, who one historian said use...

The German-Iranian Connection

The Germans will never change. They hate the Jews now as much as they hated them in our father’s Europe. From The German-Iranian Connection: During the Second Lebanon War in 2006, Ali Mobaraki, an Iranian who managed Zenith Rollers Germany, a print roller company in Dusseldorf, orchestrated the transfer of 10 satellite navigation systems to Iran, with the help of his father, who owns...

Islamic Group Plans to Double Number of Mosques in Germany

Some in Germany are uncomfortable about more mosques being built Germany’s Muslim community is planning to more than double the number of mosques in the country over the next few years, according to figures released by an Islamic institute this week. “We have recorded 184 projects to build new mosques, of which some are already under construction,” Salim Abdullah, of the German...

Among the Believers

h/t to Daily Alert, from Among the Believers: By the skin of their teeth, German security services, with the help of their U.S. colleagues, prevented earlier this month what might have been the worst terrorist attack in European history. The amount of explosives 28-year-old Fritz G., 22-year-old Daniel S. and Adem Y., a 28-year-old Turkish-German, had prepared in an inconspicuous vacation home...

Germany arrests 3 Muslims in alleged plot on U.S. sites

From Three Muslims Arrested in Germany Over Airport Attack Plot: Germany has arrested three men it suspects of planning “massive bomb attacks” on U.S. installations and belonging to a domestic cell of the Islamic Jihad militant group, German officials said on Wednesday. Federal prosecutor Monika Harms said the men, two German nationals and one Turk, had obtained enough materials to...

Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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