From Responding to Hamas Attacks from Gaza – Issues of Proportionality: Israel is forced to act in self-defense to protect itself from deliberate missile attacks on its civilians by Hamas terrorists. Although Hamas makes no effort to comply with international law, Israel is committed to limiting itself to a lawful response. This means that, while Hamas uses civilians both as a shield and a...
Is Israel Bound by International Law to Supply Utilities, Goods, and Services to Gaza?
More data and definitions for you to use in the TalkSpeak and NewSpeak war against Israel and the manufactured accusations of her “violation of International Law”. From The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs: British Foreign Secretary David Miliband and Development Secretary Douglas Alexander recently alleged that Israel’s decision to respond to ongoing Palestinian rocket...
The Attempt to Annihilate Israel
The collective annihilation of the Israeli people. Excerpted from The Attempt to Annihilate Israel: Every year since Israel’s founding, Israeli civilians have been murdered by Arab soldiers, the fedayeen, Fatah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Al Aqsa Martyr’s Brigade, Hezbollah or some other shadowy Islamic militant group. Israel’s enemies have, from the start, sought to eliminate the Jewish...
International Law and Gaza: The Assault on Israel’s Right to Self-Defense
From International Law and Gaza: The Assault on Israel’s Right to Self-Defense: International law authorizes Israel to initiate military countermeasures in Gaza. If Gaza is properly seen as having independent sovereignty, Israel’s use of force is permissible on the grounds of self-defense. If Gaza is properly seen as lacking any independent sovereignty, Israel’s use of military...
Ahmadinejad and international law
Read this, then ask yourself why is Israel the only state that gets repudiated when real derelicts of law and perpertrators of crimes against humanity literally get away with murder? From JPost: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s recent visit to the United States and the UN was no less than a three-act play in the Theater of the Absurd. While it has been argued that his command...
Ahmadinejad, the epitomy of what is wrong with Islam
Ahmadinejad, the misshapen capuchin monkey Islamo-nazi psychopath and his appearance at the UN General Assembly in NY on Monday, September 24, 2007, is possibly the most “shameful moment” in the history of an organization supposedly dedicated to advancing global peace and security. The leader of Iran is a Holocaust denier who also denies Israel’s right to exist. It is...
Israel Supreme Court: Targeted Killings of Terrorists Is Legal
From Israel Supreme Court: Targeted Killings of Terrorists Is Legal: A panel of three High Court of Justice judges ruled unanimously Thursday against a petition asking it to declare that the policy of targeted killings of terrorists was illegal. The court determined that those who were on their way to commit an attack against the IDF or civilians or had planned an attack or were in between...
The ant farm
Folks, the whole world’s focus will be on the Jews in Gaza, Israel, in approximately two weeks. It will be a morbid curiousity that will picque everyone’s interest, because when almost 10,000 Jews get deported from their homes on August 17, everyone will watch because it will be Jew versus Jew. Will blood be shed? Will children get killed? Will the IDF turn on the deported Jews, like...