Excerpted from FLAME: In the prevailing Arab “narrative,” all the problems in the Arab world are due to Israel. In the Arab world, where Osama bin Laden is the Arabs’ most adulated hero because he committed the 9/11 deed (though everyone in that world also knows that “Israel’s Mossad was responsible for 9/11”), the crazy logic that “Israel is the cause of all Arab misfortunes” does indeed make...
Racism in the Islamic World: How can peace prevail in the Middle East in the face of Islamic bigotry and hate? When will moderate Muslims speak out?
For years, the U.N., led by Islamic and Arab nations and their sympathizers, has accused Israel of racism, but the world consistently turns a blind eye to open, seething anti-Semitism in Islamic society. What are the facts? In one of the most astonishing propaganda coups ever, a United Nations conference on racism, which took place in Durban South Africa in 2001, declared that Zionism is racism...
The Forgotten Refugees: Why does nobody care about the Jewish refugees from Arab lands?
The world is greatly concerned about the Arabs who fled the nascent state of Israel in 1948. But no mention is ever made of the Jewish refugees from Arab lands. Their history is as compelling and arguably more so than that of the Arab refugees from Israel. What are the facts? Jews in Arab countries. Jews have lived since Biblical times in what are now Arab countries. After the Roman conquest...
Piercing the Mystery of Hate: Why Arabs and Muslims Despise Jews and Israel
Via FLAME:——————-In this most significant article, Yair Lapid raises a question that, at least in this form, I have never seen before. The question is, why do Arabs and other Muslims really hate us (the Jews in general and the Israelis in particular) so much? In the almost sixty years of Israel’s existence, the super-rich Islamic countries could have...
Is Israel an asset or a burden to our country?
What are the facts? The United States is without question Israel’s most important ally. Also, without question, Israel is the staunchest and most reliable friend of the United States. But there are some who believe and vigorously advocate that Israel is a burden to the United States and that, were it not for Israel, peace would prevail in the Middle East. The “Israel lobby.” A patriotic-named...
What are the facts about Jewish and Arab claims to the Holy Land of Israel?
Islamic identification with the Jewish and Christian Holy Land is tenuous, and secondary to the most important sites in Islam. The 16 facts listed below underscore the unremitting campaign of Arab nations to destroy Israel in the face of numerous overtures by Israel to trade land for Middle East peace. If you have friends, acquaintances, or fellow synagogue or church members who would appreciate...
New Lesson for Palestinians: Those Who Live by Terror Can Die by It
Folks, Jim Sinkinson of FLAME writes: The terror attacks in Amman, Jordan, should be a wake-up call to Jordanians, who have never thought of themselves as potential targets of Muslim extremism. In this article, commentator Daniel Pipes makes a similar observation about the Palestinians, also newly awakened to the price of terror. You see, many of those who died in the Amman attacks were...
Returning lost objects
Here is scripture from our Holy Book, the Torah, which proves that palestinians and Jews don’t believe in the same God. In our Holy Book, it is written: “If you see another person’s animal, you shall not hide from it; you must return it to the owner. If the owner is not known to you, then you should bring the object into your house, where it shall remain until the owner inquires...