Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel


Migron Sentenced to Destruction in Six Months

The Jewish town of Migron, mentioned in the 5,000 year old Jewish holy book in Samuel 1 14,2 and in Isaiah 10,28 is to be forcibly evacuated of all of its Jewisch citizens, by the left wing Jew-haters "Peace Now" in order to make room for the thieves and barbarians of Arabia, so that it can turn into another sh'aria sh*thole the same way that Gaza has.

Israel destroys synagogue near Judaism’s 2nd holiest site

Israeli security forces today, under orders from the detestable Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, amassed in Hebron – the world’s oldest Jewish city – where they destroyed a synagogue and forcibly evicted two Jewish families from a Jewish-owned market place located within the city’s Jewish community. Two Jewish families. In the meantime, arab squatters infest the Holy City of Hebron, but...

Jews to be forcibly removed from Judaism’s oldest city

With hundreds of thousands of arabs in illegal outposts, PM Olmert, is directing the IDF forces against two Jewish families. Fresh from ordering security forces to destroy a synagogue built by Jews to pray near Joseph’s Tomb, Olmert now has directed his forces to forcibly evict two families that moved into a market in Jewish sections of Hebron, the oldest Jewish community in the world.The...

UJA-Fed. May Fund Gush Katif Evacuees

Received by email from Hellen Freedman, who writes “The Jewish Week is to be commended for its front page attention to the critical issue of where Jewish philanthropic funds are directed. The Dec. 22, 2006 article by Gary Rosenblatt, Editor and Publisher of the Jewish Week, is headlined, “UJA-Fed. May Fund Gush Katif Evacuees”. This is such welcome news.”

Gaza is the thieves’ first reward; next they’ll want Jerusalem

Folks, Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza, Israel is a success for the undeserving, thieving palestinians. It is a withdrawal for which they are required to make no payment. This is a withdrawal that comes free of charge. Moreover, the withdrawal puts Israel back on the 1967 border with no amendments or compromises. And no security. The day after the deportation, the palestinians will also gain...

Jews to be – caged – for expulsion

Here and here are links to shocking pictures of the holding cages that Jewish citizens are going to be herded into – like animals – with thanks to Sharon, Peres, Barak, Clinton, Bush, Arafat’s ghost, the EU, and the State Department. Thank you very much, Condoleeza Rice. Would the global community tolerate this inhumane treatment if it were imparted upon Arabs or Muslims? Nope...

Has anyone thought this through?

Israel plans to deploy around sixty thousand security personnel to make sure that the deportation goes smoothly. If this was announced on the news, perhaps the Arabs were also listening. Did anyone ever consider that perhaps some of Israel’s charming neighbors might use this information to their advantage? If nearly the entire Israeli army is out in Gaza forcing Jews out of their homes, who...

The silence of American Jewry

The bulldozers are revving up, thousands of protesters are taking to the streets and Israel’s security forces are practicing mock evacuations — but the bulk of American Jewry remains shamefully and inexplicably silent about the coming eviction of Gaza settlers, Michael Freund writes.

Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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