Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

TagEuropean Jewish Press

Video: Semi-protected Schools, Damaged Homes and Kassam Rockets: A Day in the Life of Sderot

Via One Jerusalem: The city of Sderot is a city of 20,000 people located directly east of northern Gaza. In the last seven years, thousands of Kassam rockets have been fired from Palestinian homes, fields and schools onto Sderot. Residents of Sderot live in constant fear of falling rockets with only 15 seconds notice. For more on life in Sderot read Rick Richman. It is hard to fully appreciate...

Smoke bomb thrown into Jewish kindergarten in Berlin

From EJP: A tragedy was avoided on Sunday after a smoke bomb, thrown through a window of a Jewish kindergarten in Berlin, failed to ignite. However, the school, located in a northwest neighbourhood of the German capital, was not spared by the spray painting of swastikas, other Nazi symbols and anti-Semitic phrases, such as “Auschwitz,” “Juden Raus” (Jews, get out) and “Sieg Heil”, on its outer...

Police are investigating brutal anti-Semitic attack in London

From European Jewish Press: Police in London are appealing for information about a brutal anti-Semitic attack committed by three teenage thugs armed with baseball bats and rocks in one of the city’s most vibrant Jewish neighbourhoods.The attackers – one of whom was described as white, one Asian and one of Mediterranean complexion -launched their assault in Golders Green Road last Tuesday...

Reopening of the Yeshiva Chachmei Synagogue in Lublin

From The European Jewish Press: Poland’s Jewish community celebrated on Sunday the reopening of the Lublin synagogue in the building which once housed the largest rabbi school in Europe before being nearly destroyed in the Holocaust. Michael Schudrich, Poland’s chief rabbi, performed theopening ceremony at the Yeshiva Chachmei synagogue inthe eastern Poland city. Schudrich said the reopening of...

Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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