Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

TagEthiopian Jews

Ethiopian Sigd Made Official Israeli Holiday

From Ethiopian Sigd Made Official Israeli Holiday: The Knesset decided to formally add the Ethiopian Sigd holiday to the list of state holidays, and will be holding an annual state ceremony for it during the Hebrew month of Heshvan, which usually falls in October or November. Sigd is a traditional Ethiopian day of fasting, dedicated to prayers for the rebuilding of the Temple and giving thanks...

Ethiopians want Sigd to be recognized as Jewish holiday

I would most definitely be for this holiday to be added to the Jewish calendar. A Jew should grab at any opportunity that would enable him to repent and become closer to HaShem. From JPost: Hundreds of members of the Ethiopian community signed their names to a petition Thursday calling for Israel’s religious leaders to incorporate the annual Sigd festival in the calendar of religious Jewish...

Today in Jewish History – Cheshvan 12

If Palestinianism has any validity, so then does Zionism. Anti-Zionism is racism. Get it? Sponsored by In 1975, the United Nations passed a resolution declaring that “Zionism is racism.” Israel’s Ambassador to the UN, Chaim Herzog, noted the irony of the vote coming (on the English calendar) exactly 37 years after Kristallnacht. The UN Secretary General at the time was...

Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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