Muslims continue to dictate public policy by throwing temper tantrums about the so-called “defamation of Islam” while ignoring its own 100 year long villification of Jews and Israel. Via UN Watch: A “non-paper” published by the planners of next year’s UN conference on racism already singles out Israel and breaches Europe’s red lines, UN Watch told the UN Human Rights Council this week. The Durban Review Conference, set for next April in Geneva, will be a highly visible, amply funded, well-advertised and well-attended gathering that will focus the world’s attention on the West’s defamation of Islam and racial discrimination against
Read More +Today the UN Human Rights Council welcomed Richard Falk as the new expert to oversee its standing investigation into “Israel’s violations of the principles and bases of international law.” When UN Watch took the floor to ask Falk to explain his support for 9/11 conspiracy theories, as documented by the Times of London, Egypt made a failed bid to delete the question from the record. See full video and text below. Click for video UN Human Rights Council, 8th Session Agenda Item 7: “Human rights situation in Palestine and other occupied Arab territories” Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on
Read More +The United Nations’ continues to guarantee that it remains a cesspool of Muslim ethnocentrism and Jew hatred. Via NY Sun: UN diplomats said Egyptian Culture Minister Farouk Hosni’s candidacy to become director-general of UNESCO may now be doomed, after he told the Egyptian parliament that if any Israeli books were found in Egyptian libraries, he would burn them. Such a statement is “couched in the language and actions of Nazi ‘Minister of Culture’ Josef Goebbels,” the director for international relations of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, Shimon Samuels, said in a letter. “An aspirant book-burner, who threatens to wield culture as
Read More +By Dore Gold 1) Israeli negotiators will quickly discover three core areas in their discussions with the Syrians that they will not resolve easily: delineation of an agreed boundary, security arrangements, and the Syrian-Iranian alliance.2) Just prior to the outbreak of the 1973 Yom Kippur War, Syria deployed 1,400 tanks along the border against a total Israeli force of 177 tanks (a force ratio of 8 to 1 in favor of Syria). Should Syria’s considerable missile forces be used to delay Israel’s reserve mobilization, then the importance of the Golan terrain will increase as Israel’s small standing army will have
Read More +“Conservatives in the Egyptian parliament have made female genital mutilation (circumcision) legal again in Egypt.” Conservatives? What unevolved retarded neanderthal uses the term “conservative” to describe these barbarians? Conservative? These are misogynist sadists. What a cruel misrepresentation to describe the barbaric act of slicing off the clitoris of a child as “conservative”. That one would use such terminology to describe such a cruel painful hateful anti-female primitive act is like calling Hitler “ethnically challenged”. Leave it to the left to soften the west in order to dilute the horrors inherent in Islam’s sharia law. From INN: Conservatives in the Egyptian
Read More +Just like United American Committee founder Jesse Petrilla promised, his full action report of his trip to Egypt to document what life is like for non-Muslims who live under Islam is now online. He wanted to learn what life would be like if our enemies and their allies got their way. Jesse writes, what I saw was an example of the harsh life in store for future American generations in Islamic-dominated regions of the U.S. if we do not work to bring attention to the issue of Islamic oppression now at this critical time in American history.” Jesse reports that
Read More +A message from United American Committee founder Jesse Petrilla: I have just returned from Egypt on a fact finding mission to learn what life is like for non-Muslims under Islam. We also grabbed some great footage to eventually use in the film the UAC is producing under the working title “An Inconvenient Religion”. I will write a full after action report of my trip to publish in the next few days, but in the meantime you can view a short clip of one of my experiences in Alexandria of Islamic intimidation of Christians. I have posted the clip on YouTube.
Read More +Sponsored by Aish: In 1980, Israel and Egypt exchanged ambassadors, marking a new era of cordial, if cold, diplomacy. In 1973, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat had orchestrated an attack on Israel in the Yom Kippur War, but after suffering defeat he became resigned to Israel’s existence. In 1977, Sadat and Menachem Begin signed the Camp David Peace Agreement, for which they received the Nobel Peace Prize. Much of the Arab world was outraged by Sadat’s overtures toward Israel, and he was assassinated by a Muslim extremist in 1981.
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