The Golan Heights and the Syrian-Israeli Negotiations


By Dore Gold 1) Israeli negotiators will quickly discover three core areas in their discussions with the Syrians that they will not resolve easily: delineation of an agreed boundary, security arrangements, and the Syrian-Iranian alliance.2) Just prior to the outbreak of the 1973 Yom Kippur War, Syria deployed 1,400 tanks along the border against a total Israeli force of 177 tanks (a force ratio of 8 to 1 in favor of Syria). Should Syria’s considerable missile forces be used to delay Israel’s reserve mobilization, then the importance of the Golan terrain will increase as Israel’s small standing army will have

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Forgotten Legal Rights


From Forgotten Legal Rights: After most armed conflicts, the international community has sought to re-establish the status quo ante – the previous situation – as part of a political settlement. However, many aspects of the prewar status quo in 1967 were untenable, if not illegal. Jordan and Egypt previously occupied the West Bank and Gaza Strip as a result of an invasion by the Arab states in 1948 that the UN Secretary-General at the time, Trygve Lie, called an act of “aggression.” In the Six-Day War nearly 20 years later, Israel entered these territories in what was plainly a war

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Book: The Fight For Jerusalem


Jerusalem has always been at the heart of the battle between Islam and the West. From the Crusades until today, expansionist Islam has understood the significance of resting control over Jerusalem. For them, taking Jerusalem is tantamount to driving a spear into the heart of Judeo-Christian civilization. Dore Gold’s new book is a brilliant historical and contemporary analysis of The Fight For Jerusalem. Dore has unearthed facts, quotes,and photographs that give positive proof that Jerusalem is a primary target of our enemies. This is a must read for policy makers, bloggers, elected officials, reporters, and everyone else who cares about

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Bring Ahmadinejad to Justice for Incitement to Genocide


The Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations joins in inviting leaders of the member organizations to a special symposium: Bring Ahmadinejad to Justice for Incitement to Genocide! Featuring important national and international legal scholars who will discuss the repeated threats by President Ahmadinejad of Iran in violation of the 1949 Genocide Convention. Among those who will address this timely and critical issue are: Ambassador John Bolton, Outgoing U.S. Ambassador to the UNAmb. Dore Gold, Former Ambassador of Israel to the United NationsProfessor Alan Dershowitz, Harvard Law SchoolMP Irwin Cotler, Former Minister of Justice of CanadaAmb. Meir Rosenne, Former

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Moves to Charge Ahmadinejad with Incitement to Genocide


From Financial Times: A 68-page study produced by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs and the International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists argues that Iranian President Ahmadinejad’s declaration that “Israel should be wiped off the map” is part of a hate campaign punishable under international law. Remarks by Ahmadinejad, including one in which he reportedly questioned whether Zionists were human beings, “constitute direct and public incitement to genocide,” the study alleges. “While the Hutus in Rwanda were equipped with machetes, Iran, should the international community do nothing to prevent it, will soon acquire nuclear weapons,” it notes. Dore Gold,

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The Iraq Study Group: Implications for Israel


From The Iraq Study Group: Implications for Israel by Dore Gold: Baker confirmed on December 6, 2006, that the Iraq Study Group derived some of its inspiration from the “six-plus-two” talks on the future of Afghanistan at the UN. But in Afghanistan, back in the 1990s, Iran sought to contain a radical Sunni regime under the Taliban. In 2006, in contrast, Iran seeks to dominate Iraq through its Shiite majority. The two situations are entirely different. Should the Bush administration adopt this approach from the Iraq Study Group, it would not be seeking a radical shift in Iranian and Syrian

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Baker report demands Israel leave Golan Heights


Only a number of days after the UN passed a resolution calling Israel’s sovereignty over Jerusalem illegal, former US Secretary of State James Baker says Israel must leave the Golan Heights. The comprehensive report, which primarily addresses the situation in Iraq, was prepared by Jew-hater Baker and a former Democratic congressman, Lee Hamilton. It states that if the United States does not take a more leading role in the Mideast Israel-Arab conflict, there is no hope of America achieving its goals in the region. According to former Israeli UN Ambassador Dr. Dore Gold, the report indicates that American involvement in

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