What Are the “Netroots”?


A look at the influential alliance of leftist bloggers seeking to help Democratic candidates nationwide win political elections. From DiscoverTheNetworks.org: A blend of the words “Internet” and “grassroots,” the term “Netroots” refers to the coordinated activism of the political Left via blogs, podcasts, newsletters, message forums, and other online media. These bloggers, etc. fervently support Democratic Party candidates for public office and in many cases work for them directly. Seeking to “utiliz[e] the [I]nternet to empower an electoral campaign through a variety of mediums that go beyond the standard website,” Netroots’ threefold mission is to “increase voter awareness”; “win undecided

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More on Mike Gravel


The self-proclaimed supporters of Mike Gravel, who himself is a morphed neo-Libertarian, are so much more Marxist than they would like to believe they are, when one reads their protests against Israel’s right to defend herself against the Muslim attackers lurking on her borders. Clearly, none of Gravel’s supporters who have posted their vitriolic comments on Smooth Stone’s WordPress site, believe in freedom for everyone, which makes them all out to be hypocritical slobs because they do not believe in freedom for Israeli Jews nor their right to self-determination. The Gravel freaks are yet another symptom of what is wrong

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