The truth emerges about Palestinianism, Palestiniasts, Pallywood and the al-Dura hoax. Via HonestReporting. com: The iconic images of Mohammad al-Dura’s alleged death in Gaza inflamed Palestinian sentiment and provoked terrible bloodshed. Despite the evidence that Israel was not responsible for firing the bullets that hit al-Dura, and doubts as to the credibility of the footage taken from the scene, this libel has continued to prevail.HonestReporting has brought you the news directly from the trial of Philippe Karsenty, who accused France 2 and its reporter Charles Enderlin of knowingly broadcasting doctored footage of the al-Dura incident.To recall, France 2 successfully sued
Read More +From Israel Should Be the Plaintiff, Not the Defendant, in the Court of Public Opinion: It is not about land. Israel is a hangnail-sized piece of land with no oil and no resources other than those produced by the sweat and brains of its inhabitants. Surrounding this minuscule plot, demonstrably the Jews’ ancient homeland, are 22 Arab countries covering a tenth of the world’s land mass, 640 times more land than Israel occupies. It is about Arabs’ intolerance for any other people in their midst. In particular Jews. Instead of defending Israel’s right to exist, the court of public opinion
Read More +From Follow the Sequence of Mideast Violence via DailyAlert: There is no symmetry between Israel and Palestinian extremists. There is no Israeli action followed by a Palestinian reaction. There is no egalitarian share of the blame and responsibility, and the sooner this fact is understood by the international community, the better. There is no similarity between a robber who attacks his victim, and the policeman who attacks the robber in order to arrest him. Sure, both may use violence. But are they equally responsible for it? In the Middle East, there is a sequence of events, not a cycle of
Read More +From What Can I Do About the Crisis Facing Israel and the Jewish People? : There are things we can do if we are willing to work to protect our rights and stand up to the massive defamation campaign waged against us. Each of us can help by acting immediately whenever we encounter a distortion in the media, to correct it with a letter to the editor or news manager. We can also actively monitor the mass media on the Internet in order to correct as many distortions as we can. But in order to counter the endless flow of
Read More +From Steve Plaut: Call to Arms! Please assist I would like to ask your assistance in getting the word out about, which replaces Israel Academia Monitor (now defunct) as an improved, cleaner and meaner, watchdog web site that exposes and monitors Israel’s Academic Fifth Column. ISRACAMPUS is an improved, professionally-edited web site that replaces the older web site (which suffered from amateurish and inept editing). It starts afresh in a new cyber-home, and contains a number of new features. These include “ALEF Watch,” a segment of the web site that follows the anti-Israel shenanigans disseminated via the University
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