Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

TagDaily Kos

CAIR’s targets and CAIR’s supporters

What you don’t know about CAIR might kill you. Excerpts from WND: Although Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is a nonprofit organization, it does not disclose complete directories of its staff or advisory boards, and even refuses to make its federal tax filings readily available to the public. But a review of federal criminal court documents, past IRS 990 tax records and Federal...

Jerome Armstrong fined $30K for unethical stock touts

All the leftys are crooks, just like their role models Hillary “I can’t find my billing records” Clinton and Barack “shady land deals” Obama. Now blogger Jerome Armstrong, partner to the seething, bug-eyed Jew-hating and America-hating effeminate Markos Moulitsas Zúniga, has agreed to pay nearly $30,000 in fines in a settlement with the Securities and Exchange...

Markos Moulitsas Zúniga

If there is anyone that I would enjoy see gettng his karma its debt paid back to him would be Markos Moulitsas Zúniga, the Jew-hating American and El Salvadoran cur of Daily Kos. Daily Kos is a left-wing blog and a most highly-trafficked blog and Zuniga is an angry Stalinist puke, born in America but raised in El Salvador during its civil war. He hates Republicans and Jews and Israel and his...

23 Killed, 160 Injured in Bomb Attacks in Algeria’s Capital

Now tell me, Jew-haters, Arabists, and you pigs over at Daily KOS, if Israel is responsible for Muslim wrath, what did Israel do to encourage Al-Qaeda to unleash a bloodbath in Algeria? Bombs heavily damaged the prime minister’s office and a police station Wednesday, killing at least 23 people and wounding about 160, the country’s official news agency said. Al Qaeda’s wing in...

Evidence of WMDs in Iraq and Syria

Last evening or I should say overnight, Michael Shrimpton, a barrister specialising in national security and intelligence law, was interviewed by Art Bell for more than two hours on Art’s radio show, and Mr. Shrimpton gave compelling evidence that not only were WMDs in Iraq prior to 2003, they were covertly shipped out of the country via railroad and other methods into Syria. Not only that...

SXSW festival documentary questions Michael Moore

Finally Michael Moore will be exposed for the shyster and charlatan that he is. From The Houston Chronicle: The cameras get turned on Michael Moore for a change at the South by Southwest film festival, where the documentary Manufacturing Dissent will have its world premiere.The film from directors Rick Caine and Debbie Melnyk, playing March 10 at the Austin festival, follows Moore during the...

Zuniga reaps what he sows

Folks, it is my pleasure to see the site blast Markos Moulitsas Zuniga, the pissant and Jew-hating owner of the “blog” Daily Kos. Click here to read this long overdue vivisection. For more on the seething Zuniga, see here, here, here, here, and my own abbreviated gutting of the little twerp, here.

Al-Qaeda issues videotape calling Americans to convert to Islam

In a 48-minute video posted on an Islamic militant website Saturday, al-Qaeda’s No. 2, Ayman al-Zawahri appears with Adam Yehiye Gadahn, a 28-year-old American who the FBI believes attended al-Qaeda training camps in Pakistan and served as an al-Qaeda translator. Gadahn called on Americans to convert to Islam and for U.S. soldiers to switch sides in the Iraq and Afghan wars...

Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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