Great Satan’s Girlfriend


I had to reprint this comment from one of the most astute and intelligent bloggers I have come across in years. Courtney, owner of the political savvy and astounding GreatSatan’sGirlfriend, wrote the following comment on my site in response to my post about the establishment of The New Jewish Congress which was launched in Jerusalem on Tuesday. Folks, your must acquaint yourselves with GreatSatan’sGirlfriend. Here’s a sample why: This is a great opportunity – especially in the PR world – consider redefinition: right of return = right of relocation. Example? Compare a map of Deutschland in 1914 to one of

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Comments? Where are my comments?!


Well, folks, the new tech news is that this site has converted to the new Blogger, which is also referred to as Blogger Beta, even though Blogger has just announced that it is out of beta, but the name, Blogger Beta, has stuck throughout the blogosphere, so as to not confuse anyone with the old Blogger, which frankly was great, except that it didn’t support Categories or Labels and, being the detail-oriented and resource/research tendencies that I have, I couldn’t wait to convert to the new Blogger or Blogger Beta, so when I got the notice that my blog was

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