Iranian Jews Leave Their Silent Nightmare, Come Home to Israel


Jewish life in Iran. Via INN: Ten Iranian Jewish families – 40 Iranian Jews in all — began new lives Tuesday night when they came home to Israel. “How they were brought to Israel and information about who they are is classified information, ” Jewish Agency spokesman Michael Jankelovitch said in an exclusive interview with Israel National News. “This is a new initiative,” said Jankelovitch, “a joint project of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews headed by Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein and the Jewish Agency for Israel.” A total of 200 Iranian Jews made Aliyah (immigrated to Israel) this year,

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“Amen” for Israel, Say Christian Zionists


From “Amen” for Israel, Say Christian Zionists: Paul McCaleb, 73, from Tennessee, and some 7,000 mostly evangelical Christians from across the world flocked to the Holy Land this week to celebrate the Jewish festival of Sukkot and to show support for Israel. “Coming here just does something inside of me,” McCaleb said at Shilo, a holy Jewish site in the West Bank where the Bible says the Ark of the Covenant once rested. “This land belongs to God, and God gave it to the Jews.” Some pilgrims toured army bases and donated gifts to Israeli soldiers, while others gave money

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Evangelicals and Other Loving Christians


Ruth Matar is one of my heroines. I have heard her speak, I’ve read of her passionate advocacy for our beloved Israel, how she has been on the frontlines of Zionism risking her life and family in defense of Israel’s sovereignty and legitimacy, and just recently, I listened to a brief interview with her and Walter Bingham – who I also love by the way – on this terrific broadcast of Walter Bingham’s Radio Show, taped on Erev Tisha B’av. Now Naomi has written an excellent article on why Jews should love Christian evangelicals, something I have been writing about

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Hillary Rodham Clinton: Her Career and Agendas


Read this article to learn about Hillary Rodham Clinton: Her Career and Agendas. Don’t be one of those dumb Jewish democrats who Julia Gorin accurately described as having paid a thousand dollars a plate to hear Bill Clinton speak — after he sold Israel down the river (by rewarding genocide bombings with more land) or one of those Jews who are still loyal to a political party whose members pass out 9/11-Israel conspiracy literature at public forums or one of those Jews who heard that most Muslims would be voting for John Kerry and so they voted for John Kerry.

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Christian Zionists: Ahmadinejad Is New Hitler


From Christian Zionists: Ahmadinejad Is New Hitler: Thousands of members of Christians United for Israel headed to Capitol Hill on Wednesday to lobby Congress on behalf of Israel. The group’s founder, the Reverend John Hagee, called on President Bush to move the U.S. embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. He also called for American divestment from Iran, which he compared to Nazi Germany as a threat to the Jewish people. Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. Salai Meridor told the group, “We must make it clear to the Iranians that all options are on the table and that there

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Why do Christians support Israel?


Via Facts and Logic About the Middle East (FLAME): After thousands of years of anti-Semitism, persecution and genocide at the hands of Christians, it’s no surprise that many Jews question the motivations of Christians who support Israel today. Most Jews simply cannot understand how the tiger could change his stripes—and many Jews harbor more than a small suspicion that pro-Israel Christians have an unspoken ulterior motive, that their support of Israel primarily serves “selfish” interests. After attending a number of sessions featuring pro-Israel Christians at the AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) Annual Policy Conference a few weeks ago in

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Knesset Christian Allies Caucus: First Ever ‘Jerusalem Assembly’ to Be Launched in Jerusalem


Over 200 Christian Zionists from around the world to celebrate the fortieth anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem, repent for wrongs committed against the Jewish people, swear allegiance to Support Israel Jerusalem – The Knesset Christian Allies Caucus (KCAC), in conjunction with the Texas-based Christian organization Covenant Alliances, will host the first ever Jerusalem Assembly in Jerusalem from Tuesday, March 27, 2007 to Wednesday, March 28, 2007 in Jerusalem. Celebrating the nearly forty years since the reunification of Jerusalem, Covenant Alliances will bring a delegation of more than two hundred Christian Zionist leaders for the U.S., Canada, England Africa and

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Ruth Matar: Freedom of religion for whom?


Folks, I don’t like to publish long posts because I know that people, myself included, enjoy reading short sound bytes which get to the point so that they could move on quickly to their other favorite blogs, video games, and families. But this time I am going to publish something and, yes, it is lengthy but it is important to read. What is the following all about? Jews who backstab Jews, and in this particular case, it’s about the Jews of Machsom Watch, a radical organization of leftist Israeli women. Here’s a must-read letter from Ruth Matar (Women in Green),

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