From Michelle Malkin: The lying, jihadist Danish imam who helped instigate the Mohammed cartoon riots by touring the Middle East with bogus pictures it attributed the Jyllands-Post has died (hat tip: Sugiero). Abu Laban had cancer: Ahmed Abu Laban, Denmark’s most prominent Muslim leader and a central figure in last year’s uproar over the Prophet Muhammad cartoons, has died from...
A Christian-Free Holy Land
An update of Islam’s most recent contributions to civilization. An excerpt from The Jihad: We’re All in This Together: In Indonesia, three Christian schoolgirls were beheaded. In Iraq, a Syrian Orthodox priest was kidnapped, tortured, and murdered. In Somalia, a nun was shot to death as she left the hospital where she worked, tending the sick and dying. In Lebanon, just days ago, a...
Haveil Havalim #95 – Thanksgiving Edition
“Hinei ma tov uma na’im shevet achim gam yachad.” “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is to be united like brothers and sisters in one family and one community.” — Psalm 133:1 Folks, I am pleased to host this edition of Haveil Havalim, the weekly round up of posts from all over the JBlogosphere. There were lots of great submissions to choose from this week...
Danish paper wins Mohammad cartoon libel case
A court ruled on Thursday that a Danish newspaper did not libel Muslims by printing cartoons of Mohammad that unleashed a storm of protests in the Islamic world. Seven Danish Muslim organizations brought the case, saying Jyllands-Posten had libeled them with the images by implying Muslims were terrorists.[Smooth: Implying? ] The Aarhus court said in its ruling, “There is no sufficient...
The Pope must die, says Muslim
A Muslim told demonstraors in London yesterday that the Pope should face execution. Anjem Choudary said those who insulted Islam would be “subject to capital punishment”. His remarks came during a protest outside Westminster Cathedral on a day that worldwide anger among Muslim hardliners towards Pope Benedict XVI appeared to deepen.Choudary’s appeal for the death of Pope...
Holocaust cartoons draw few in Iran
An exhibit of cartoons on the Holocaust in Tehran has attracted few Iranians spectators. Three weeks after the works went on display, only about 50 people a day are visiting the exhibit, The Independent reports. When it first opened, the exhibit attracted fewer than 300 daily visitors. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad suggested a Holocaust cartoon contest as a response to cartoons published...
Geopolitical Diary: The Political Fallout from the Pope’s Speech
We have seen the writing on the wall. Excerpted from Stratfor: The world is about to witness the next wave of Muslim rage against the West. Addressing an audience at Regensburg University in Germany on Tuesday, Pope Benedict XVI delivered a controversial speech, in which he quoted 14th Century Byzantine Christian Emperor Manuel Paleologos II regarding the issue of jihad: “Show me just what...
CAIR, Assault and Videotape?
From CAIR, Assault and Videotape?:———-An attendee of the “Stop the Terror Rally” sponsored by the Council for America-Islamic Relations – Ohio held at the Federal Courthouse in downtown Columbus, Ohio, on Friday July 28 says she was twice assaulted by CAIR’s National Vice-Chairman, Dr. Ahmad Al-Akhras, when she asked too many questions about the organization’s apparent support...