Sponsored by Aish: In 1980, Israel and Egypt exchanged ambassadors, marking a new era of cordial, if cold, diplomacy. In 1973, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat had orchestrated an attack on Israel in the Yom Kippur War, but after suffering defeat he became resigned to Israel’s existence. In 1977, Sadat and Menachem Begin signed the Camp David Peace Agreement, for which they received the Nobel...
Fitzgerald: How can Egypt explain?
The excellent Hugh Fitzgerald dissects Egypt’s mask and reveals the wolf in sheep’s clothing. From Fitzgerald: How can Egypt explain? ‘Unclear how, if at all, Egypt can explain this’ — from this article How, since the Camp David Accords were signed, can Egypt explain the following: Despite its solemn commitment to end all hostile propaganda and to encourage friendly...
BBC Apologizes to Muslims for Stating Jerusalem as Capital of Israel
It is outrageous to the extreme that the global community would dare to tell a sovereign nation what is – or is not – its capital. What a bunch of pandering cowards the BBC is. The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) issued an apology this week to Muslims for having referred to Jerusalem as being the capital of Israel in one of its broadcasts. The apology came in response to...
Financial Times Interview: Benjamin Netanyahu
An excerpt from an interview with Benjamin Netanyahu, from Financial Times: FT: One final question: do you see the real danger that the war that happened last summer is going to be repeated very soon? BN: I hope not. But it could be. The result of the war is – if there’s one thing I have learned is that you don’t purchase peace by weakness or vacillation. If there’s one lesson I...
40th Anniversary of the Reunification of Jerusalem
Via Israel HighWay: Most Jews in Israel and throughout the world barely remember a time when the Old City of Jerusalem and the rest of east Jerusalem were not an important part of the fabric of the city and the country. For 19 years, from the founding of the State of Israel in 1948 until the Six Day War in 1967, Jerusalem was a city divided by barbed wire and dangerous “no-man’s land”...
Book Review: A Palestinian Two-Step
From Book Review: A Palestinian Two-Step: In Once Upon a Country: A Palestinian Life, Sari Nusseibeh misses no opportunity to denigrate and delegitimize Israel through sharp, short, often subtle yet always false readings of history. His text is marred by countless factual errors and inaccuracies that cast a serious doubt on the validity of his personal narrative, not to mention the wider...
Leader of the Islamic Movement in Israel: Western Wall belongs to Muslims
From YnetNews: The Western Wall – on all its various parts, structures and gates, and all the names these parts, structures and gates are called – is an inseparable part of the al-Aqsa compound,” declared Islamist leader Sheikhh Raed Salah. The Western Wall “is part of Al-Aqsa’s western tower, which the Israeli establishment fallaciously and sneakily calls the...
Today in Jewish History – Adar 10
Sponsored by Aish.com: In 1980, Israel and Egypt exchanged ambassadors, marking a new era of cordial, if cold, diplomacy. In 1973, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat had orchestrated an attack on Israel in the Yom Kippur War, but after suffering defeat he became resigned to Israel’s existence. In 1977, Sadat and Menachem Begin signed the Camp David Peace Agreement, for which they received the...