Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

TagAyatollah Khomeini

Muslim World Inflamed by Rushdie Knighthood

From Muslim World Inflamed by Rushdie Knighthood: Eighteen years after the Ayatollah Khomeini issued a fatwa calling on Muslims to kill author Salman Rushdie, he is once again the subject of death threats across the Islamic world. Muhammad Ali Hosseini, Iran’s foreign affairs spokesman, said on Sunday that Rushdie’s recent knighthood “will definitely put the British officials in...

Carter: Stop favoring Fatah over Hamas

Jimmy Carter is actually rooting for Hamas so that the destruction of Israel by Hamas can progress with more speed. I hope that Jimmy Carter can give one last interview where he can define the exact data-point in his life where he decided then and forever that the only good Jew is a dead Jew. I really want to know what happened to this Jew-hating imbecile to make him turn out to be a supporter of...

Carter Urges Iowa Voters Not to Back “Knee-Jerk Supporters” of Israel

Look at what this detestable Jew-hating bastard accomplished in just four years as president. He convinced Israel to give away the Suez Canal. He gave away US control of the Panama Canal which the US built. He allowed the Shah’s friendly Iranian government to collapse, he allowed the malevolent extremist regime of the Ayatollah Khomeini to take over and dig its roots deep, he botched the...

A Khomeinist in Austin

Via HotAir. This week’s edition of Jihad Watch looks at the actions of the Texas Legislature in inviting a Khomeinist Imam to pray at a session. Robert Spencer reports on the video: “Islam makes it incumbent on all adult males, provided they are not disabled or incapacitated, to prepare themselves for the conquest of countries so that the writ of Islam is obeyed in every country in...

Texas Senate prayer excludes Christians

I can’t believe this is happening in the great state of Texas. Via WND: A Texas imam who at one point participated in a “tribute to the great Islamic visionary” Ayatollah Khomeini, has offered a prayer to open the state Senate that excluded both Christians and Jews. “Oh, Allah, guide us to the straight path, the path of those whom you have favored, not of those who have...

Blood Feud

From Blood Feud: The Shia holiday of Ashura, which celebrates the martyrdom of the Imam Hussein at Karbala in 680 CE, generates an endless supply of gruesome images: thousands of enraged young men slicing their foreheads with swords, beating themselves with chains, and screaming their allegiance to Allah in the streets of Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Pakistan, and across the Muslim world – scenes...

The Second Holocaust Is Looming by Benny Morris

Folks, here’s an interesting statement from Benny Morris, who has turned around in his anti-Israel views. He was the world’s most famous far-left, post-Zionist famous for criticizing Israel. Now he supports Israel. Moral of the story? People can evolve. Too bad Islam can not. Benny Morris writes : The second Holocaust will be quite different. One bright morning, in five or ten...

Muslims and their use of women as human shields

By Emanuel A. Winston, Mid East Analyst & Commentator: Would any American, European or Israeli man call for his wife, mother, sister or daughter to come into a fire-fight and stand as human shields to protect male terrorists? The Arab Muslim Palestinians think nothing of using women, children, the elderly as “human shields”. These are the great macho Muslim men who take such pride...

Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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