Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel


Suspicious Powder Sent to Embassies in Australia

Looks like it may have been a dress rehearsal to observe reaction time and procedure. From Suspicious Powder Sent to Embassies in Australia: Australian police on Wednesday launched a criminal investigation after the embassies of Israel, the U.S., and Britain were sent packages containing white powder. Staff from the U.S. and Israeli embassies were evacuated. Police later said the powder at the...

Yeshiva student attacked in Australia

Alon Tam, 17, was walking home from a kosher restaurant in a Melbourne suburb heavily populated by Jews on Saturday night when two men armed with baseball bats confronted him. He told the Australian Associated Press the men yelled “Jew, you deserve to die,” as they beat him. Tam sustained injuries to his torso, arms and shoulder, and is expected to have X-rays to determine the extent...

(in Australia) Hilali charity probe widens

The Australian Federal Police has seized documents and will question key Islamic community figures after widening its investigation into allegations Australia’s mufti, Taj Din al-Hilali, gave charity funds to supporters of al-Qa’ida and Hezbollah terrorist outfits in Lebanon last year. The Weekend Australian understands the AFP [April 7, 2007] contacted Sheik Hilali’s confidant...

Islamic pro-terrorism hate film gets PG rating in Australia

I can understand how the Brits have allowed Islam to become their moral authority, but I had thought Australians had much more sense. From Sunday Telegraph: A pro-terror hate film that urges children to martyr themselves in Islam’s war on the West and calls Jews “pigs” has been rated PG by Australia’s censors. Sheik Feiz Mohammed’s DVD box set, which also calls for...

Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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