Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel


Audio: Who is Arcadi Gaydamak?

Arutz-7/Israel National Radio’s Yishai Fleisher interviewed Arcadi Gaydamak in light of his announcement this week his plan to personally fund the construction of safe rooms in 600 Sderot homes, to the tune of 90 million shekels ($22.9 million). Gaydamak also plans to run for Mayor of Jerusalem, and feels strongly that religious Jewish education and culture must be supported. Click here to...

Useful Reference: Access the Largest Counter-Terrorism Data Base in the World

Access the Largest Counter-Terrorism Data Base in the World: Steven Emerson’s Washington-based Investigative Project on Terrorism has launched a comprehensive counter-terrorism news website. See and hear audio and video recordings of Islamic American leaders making statements that have frequently been denied. Emerson is the author of American Jihad: The Terrorists Living Among Us. Hat tip...

Muslims declare sovereignty over U.S., UK

Folks, when are we going to send these fatwa-loving banshees to hell? From WND: Across town from the site of the recent attempted car-bomb attacks, several thousand Muslims gathered in front of the London Central Mosque to applaud fiery preachers prophesying the overthrow of the British government – a future vision that encompasses an Islamic takeover of the White House and the rule of the Quran...

40th Anniversary of the Reunification of Jerusalem

Via Israel HighWay: Most Jews in Israel and throughout the world barely remember a time when the Old City of Jerusalem and the rest of east Jerusalem were not an important part of the fabric of the city and the country. For 19 years, from the founding of the State of Israel in 1948 until the Six Day War in 1967, Jerusalem was a city divided by barbed wire and dangerous “no-man’s land”...

Rare recording of Al Jolson singing Hatikva

Click here to hear Al Jolson sing Hatikvah, found on Mt. Zion Congregation website.The following link goes to a recording introduced by NPR’s Scott Simon from 61 years ago. It features a reporter who was with the British army when they liberated Bergen Belsen in May 1945. In the midst of chaos, with dead bodies lying around them, the surviving Jews, some barely able to stand, joined voices...

Evidence of WMDs in Iraq and Syria

Last evening or I should say overnight, Michael Shrimpton, a barrister specialising in national security and intelligence law, was interviewed by Art Bell for more than two hours on Art’s radio show, and Mr. Shrimpton gave compelling evidence that not only were WMDs in Iraq prior to 2003, they were covertly shipped out of the country via railroad and other methods into Syria. Not only that...

Muslims intimidating Americans: Another example

Debra Burlingame, the sister of Charles “Chic” Burlingame III, the pilot of the hijacked American Airlines Flight 77 that was deliberately crashed into the Pentagon on 9/11 by Muslim terrorists, called into the Mark Levin Show on Talk Radio WABC yesterday to discuss the lawsuits by the Muslim imams taken off a Phoenix-bound plane in Minneapolis US Airways Flight 300 against the “John...

Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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