I must be doing something right. Yesterday, the politically depraved Daily Kos linked here and called this site a right-wing swampland. Today, the politically depraved Israel-bashing site PhilipWeiss [dot] org, edited by Philip Weiss who himself is a Jew, commanded his readers to praise anti Israel writers, like the Israel-bashing journalist Scott Wilson, who was dissected in my post here. Weiss...
Commonalities between Anti-Semitic and Anti-Zionist Discourse
From Commonalities between Anti-Semitic and Anti-Zionist Discourse: Anti-Zionism is not in principle anti-Semitism, but it is time for thoughtful minds to be disturbed by how much anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism share, how much the dominant species of anti-Zionism encourages anti-Semitism. And so: If you judge a Jewish state by standards that you apply to no one else; if your neck veins bulge when...
Today in Jewish History – Cheshvan 12
If Palestinianism has any validity, so then does Zionism. Anti-Zionism is racism. Get it? Sponsored by Aish.com: In 1975, the United Nations passed a resolution declaring that “Zionism is racism.” Israel’s Ambassador to the UN, Chaim Herzog, noted the irony of the vote coming (on the English calendar) exactly 37 years after Kristallnacht. The UN Secretary General at the time was...
Peres: Hamas Wants to Destroy Israel
Tell us something we didn’t know, Peres. From Peres: Hamas Wants to Destroy Israel: President Shimon Peres told Austrian Chancellor Alfred Gusenbauer on Monday in Jerusalem: “We had a rough day in Sderot. Seven rockets fell and almost killed our children. It’s an intolerable situation and there is one address for it – Hamas. There is a limit to how much Israel is willing...
Dozens of celebrating Jews threatened by Israeli Arab mob
Via IsraelNationalNews: An Arab mob of several thousand – including young men on horseback and others waving PLO flags – surrounded and threatened about 150 Jews from Haifa who to a public forest to celebrate Israeli Independence Day. A Jewish young man was lightly injured in the ensuing clash. On Tuesday afternoon, shortly after the group of Haifa families made their way to the...
Arabs and erev rav Israelis plan to march against Israel on Yom HaAtzmaut
From INN: On the day most Israelis will be celebrating the 59th Yom Ha’atzmaut, Independence Day, some Arab and left-wing Jewish citizens will march against the foundation of the state. The Association for the Defense of the Rights of the Internally Displaced (ADRID) is planning to hold its tenth annual Procession of Return. The march, which last year drew hundreds of participants, is set...
Arab Muslim Jew hatred
You want the truth, folks? Do any of you have the guts to really want to know what Arab Muslims think about Jews? Read this, an excerpt from INN: Israel’s first Muslim Arab Minster of Science, Culture and Sports, Raleb Majadle, refuses to sing Israel’s national anthem, HaTikvah. Majadle, a long-time member of the Labor party defended his decision, saying he does not believe that...
Gall of the Hashemites
More proof that anti-Zionism is racism. An excellent article from the excellent New York Sun, Gall of the Hashemites: If one were to distill 110% wrongheadedness and then distill it again a second, third, and fourth time, one couldn’t come up with a speech as purely wrongheaded as the one that the Hashemite king, Abdullah II, delivered yesterday to a joint meeting of Congress. The...