Via Chabad: Columbia University professor Elizabeth Midlarsky responded to recent acts of anti-Semitism directed against her by upping the ante. With the help of a campus rabbi, she affixed a mezuzah to her office doorway. The combined act of biblical commandment, Jewish pride and defiance came at the end of a Monday morning press conference called by Columbia’s Teachers College Jewish...
Who was Father Coughlin?
In 1938, Father Charles E. Coughlin broadcast an anti-Semitic diatribe on American radio. Coughlin was a Roman Catholic priest from Michigan, and one of history’s first evangelists to preach via the mass media. At its peak in the early 1930s, his radio show had a listening audience estimated at one-third of the nation. Yet Coughlin’s broadcasts became increasingly anti-Semitic...
Are American Jews Too Powerful? Not Even Close
From Are American Jews Too Powerful? Not Even Close: Those who accuse modern Jews of having excessive clout are getting it precisely backward. In the real world, Jews have too little power and influence. I am a teacher of Yiddish literature. The Yiddish language, developed by European Jews over almost a thousand years, was practically erased along with them in a mere six, 1939-45. So studying...
Looking for a scapegoat, the world again turns to Jews
An excerpt from the widely heralded Victor Davis Hanson’s Looking for scapegoat, world again turns to Jews : Who recently said: “These Jews started 19 Crusades. The 19th was World War (1). Why? Only to build Israel.” Some holdover Nazi? Hardly. It was former Prime Minister Necmettin Erbakan of Turkey, a NATO ally. He went on to claim that the Jews — whom he refers to as...
Press Release: Pakistan and UN Islamic Bloc Slams Holocaust Survivors
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Media Geneva, Sept. 28, 2007 — An international coalition of non-governmental organizations today published a protest against a U.N. speech by Pakistan that accused Holocaust survivors of “campaigning against Muslim symbols in the Western world” and that called hatred of Muslims “a cruel form of Anti-Semitism.” The...
Mark Weil, Tashkent Theater Director, is murdered at age 55
An Ashkenazi Jew and star of the arts in Uzbekistan, Mark Weil, the artistic director at Tashkent’s famed Ilkhom Theatre, Uzbekistan, was found murdered near his home Thursday night. There were stab wounds all over his body. The police said the murder was carried out by two men and it is is believed to have been an anti-Semitic act. Weil was involved in the local Jewish community and...
Today in Jewish History – Elul 19
Sponsored by In 1941, Charles Lindbergh, who achieved fame by being the first person to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean, delivered an anti-Semitic speech on the radio. Lindbergh became an outspoken supporter of Nazi Germany, even recommending in testimony before Congress that the U.S. negotiate a neutrality pact with Germany. At a rally in Des Moines, Iowa, he made an infamous speech...
Yeshiva student attacked in Australia
Alon Tam, 17, was walking home from a kosher restaurant in a Melbourne suburb heavily populated by Jews on Saturday night when two men armed with baseball bats confronted him. He told the Australian Associated Press the men yelled “Jew, you deserve to die,” as they beat him. Tam sustained injuries to his torso, arms and shoulder, and is expected to have X-rays to determine the extent...