This is an amazing demonstration of filthy advertising. New Zealand will also be judged amongst the nations for lowering its ethical standards and following in the anti-Semetic footsteps of its European invaders, thanks to the detestable agency, Draft FCB. From Israel “Dismayed” by New Zealand Anti-Semitism: The Israeli embassy has accused New Zealand of accepting anti-Semitic...
Jewish prayer book used as toilet paper
Haifa’s police reconnaissance unit entered an apartment in their city on Saturday night only to find pages torn from a Jewish prayer book being used as toilet paper. Six suspects between the ages of 18-20 were brought before the Haifa Magistrate’s Court on Sunday morning as police requested their arrest be extended for questioning. Investigators have yet to rule out the possibility that the...
Former Indonesian President Describes Lynching of Jews in Iraq
From Former Indonesian President Describes Lynching of Jews in Iraq via DailyAlert: Abdurrahman Wahid, 67, the former Indonesian president and a leading Muslim scholar, revealed the root of his understanding of the risks and perils of Jewish existence. Wahid was a student at Baghdad University in 1966, earning his keep as a secretary at a textile importer, when he befriended the firm’s...
Anti-Semitism among Palestinian Authority Academics
From Anti-Semitism among Palestinian Authority Academics: PA efforts to delegitimize Israel are evident throughout Palestinian society and involve television, schoolbooks, and culture, incorporating hate messages and the denial of Israel’s right to exist. Academics including professors, religious scholars, teachers, and schoolbook authors are all participating. Palestinian academics...
Anti-Semitic Hate Speech in the Name of Islam
From Anti-Semitic Hate Speech in the Name of Islam: Farfur, the cartoon character on Hamas’ children’s television program, is a carbon copy of Walt Disney’s Mickey Mouse. But the Hamas version does something that Mickey would never do: He entertains children while propagating the murder of Jews. Farfur’s appearances are typical of Hamas’ anti-Semitic propaganda...
Legacy of Islamic Anti-Semitism
Deconstructing the mythology of Islam’s historical love for the Jews. From Legacy of Islamic Anti-Semitism: The Legacy of Islamic Anti-Semitism by Andrew Bostom refutes the claim that Islam, unlike Christianity, had not entertained a systematic persecution of the Jews, with a well-tailored survey of the theological, historical and juridical origins of Islamic anti-Semitism. A trove of anti...
Google’s latest anti-Jewish outrage
Excerpted from WND: Is there an anti-Semitic programming troublemaker at Google? Is some nitwit just making ghastly and inappropriate decisions about search suggestions? Or is the whole multi-gazillion- dollar business running on auto-pilot? Those were some of the questions going through the minds of the search giant’s users today as they discovered a query for “Yiddish” images...
Commonalities between Anti-Semitic and Anti-Zionist Discourse
From Commonalities between Anti-Semitic and Anti-Zionist Discourse: Anti-Zionism is not in principle anti-Semitism, but it is time for thoughtful minds to be disturbed by how much anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism share, how much the dominant species of anti-Zionism encourages anti-Semitism. And so: If you judge a Jewish state by standards that you apply to no one else; if your neck veins bulge when...