Why America Closed Its Doors to Anne Frank


From INN: Anne Frank’s family tried to escape the Nazis by immigrating to America – but they were turned away. This extraordinary new chapter in the teenager’s tragic saga emerges from seventy-eight newly-discovered documents from the correspondence of Anne’s father, Otto Frank. They detail his efforts, in 1941, to gain permission to bring his family to the United States. The new correspondence presents an opportunity – and an obligation – to tell the rest of the story. At the time of the correspondence, the Franks were living in exile in Holland, having fled their native Germany after Hitler’s rise to

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American Visas Were Denied for Anne Frank, Family


From AP: Anne Frank’s father tried to arrange U.S. visas for his family before they went into hiding, but his efforts were hampered by restrictive immigration policies designed to protect national security, Holocaust experts said Wednesday. Otto Frank first applied for immigration visas to the U.S. for himself and his family in 1938, reviving his efforts in 1941 – a move that may seem lax with what is now known about the Holocaust, but was logical to Frank at the time. “He preferred what seemed to him like the nuisances that encumbered an otherwise comfortable life under Nazi occupation in

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