Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

TagAnimal cruelty

Dogs and Islam

FrontPageMagazine interviews the renowned Robert Spencer on the barbaric abuse of dogs that is widespread throughout the Muslim world. What is going on here exactly? An excerpt from the article, Islam’s Animal Gulag, with Robert Spencer hosted by Jamie Glazov, managing editor of FrontPageMagazine: FP: What is the basis for the prohibition [of keeping a dog as a pet]. Is it in the Qur’an? In...

Off-topic: AP: Thousands of Pets Massacred, Thrown Off Bridge in Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico, one day you will also be a nation who will have to answer to The One and Only. You best start now to get right with all of G-d’s creations. Via FoxNews: News that live animals had been thrown to their deaths from a bridge reached the public last month when Animal Control Solutions, a government contractor, was accused of inhumanely killing some 80 dogs and cats seized from...

Hamas TV show abuses animals to teach kids lesson

The latest episode of a popular Hamas children’s TV show features its main character cruelly swinging cats by their tails and throwing stones at caged lions in the Gaza zoo. The episode of Tomorrow’s Pioneers features a costumed adult playing Nahool the Bee at the zoo, tormenting domestic cats and lions. The lions become so enraged by the abuse that one of them repeatedly tries to attack Nahool...

Off-topic: More animal cruelty

I wasn’t going to mention this story which I have been following, but if you want to read more animal cruelty, read about Michael Vicks, the NFL Atlanta Falcons quarterback who was indicted this week on a federal conspiracy charge for his alleged role in a dog fighting venture that operated from a Virginia property that he owned. If any of the following is true, may his throwing arm wither...

Radical Muslims Poaching Endangered Species to Fund Jihad

They behead infidels, and then chop off the rhino’s and elephant’s foot for trophies. They kill tigers and leopards, and blow up Buddhist statues. These are their contributions to civilization. These are loathsome and detestable acts of depravity. When your children grow up and there are no more elephants, rhinos, tigers, Jews or Christians left in the world, teach them that it was...

Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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