Bravo to the great men and women of the Republican Party for fighting the tyranny of Democrat Nancy Pelosi and her Democrat thugs. Read here about the revolt by the Republicans and how the Democrats failed to silence the people’s voice. “This is the people’s House,” said Rep. Thaddeus McCotter (R-Mich.). “This is not Pelosi’s politiburo.” Nancy Pelosi...
CAIR Official Holds Fundraiser For Keith Ellison at His Detroit Home
Via Shariah Finance Watch: When the first Muslim congressman in U.S. history, Keith Ellison (Hakim-Mohammed) of Minnesota, won the 2006 election and was making the regular thank-you-to-my-supporters speech, he allowed his fans to shout, ‘Allahu Akbar!’, the same phrase allegedly used by the 9/11 suicide pilots. He used the Quran to be sworn into office. (Islamophobia Watch) Dr. Jukaku Tayeb from...
Tony Snow, Former White House Press Secretary and FOX News Anchor, Dies at 53
The Left’s Fairy Tale
To the left, falsehood substitutes for reasoned argumentation. The following article is timely and appropriate considering two leftists just wrote ridiculous comments on this site full of errors so ahistorical and counterfactual as to represent an unreality. The article, The Left’s Fairy Tale, written by Ben Johnson dissects the problem with the lefts’ view of the Iraq war, parts...
Robert Kennedy’s 1948 Reports from Palestine
From On the 40th Anniversary of His Assassination: Robert Kennedy’s 1948 Reports from Palestine by Lenny Ben-David: In April 1948, one month before Israel declared independence, Robert Kennedy, then 22, traveled to Palestine to report on the conflict for the Boston Post. His four dispatches from the scene were published in June 1948. The newspaper closed in 1956, and for decades the reports...
Support Iraq Veterans for Congress
A new generation is stepping forward to lead the Republican Party in the 21st centuryIraq Veterans for Congress (IVC) continues to move forward to restoring leadership to Washington.Last week, Iraq Veterans for Congress (IVC) was featured in USA Today. In the past few weeks, candidates have been featured on the Mark Levin and Laura Ingraham shows.In recent days, many of our candidates have passed...
When will Rep. John Murtha apologize?
A court martial on Wednesday acquitted a US Marine for his role in the deaths of 24 civilians in Haditha in Iraq in 2005, the sixth man to be exonerated in the affair. Prior to investigation or charges, Rep. John Murtha said publicly of the Marines at Haditha “they killed innocent civilians in cold blood.” He has issued no apology for his statement. When will Rep. John Murtha...
Who is Judah P. Benjamin?
I once wrote a response on Smooth Stone to a European’s anti-Israel rant and typed “Don’t you ever forget that we were writing the books that shaped your nation while your ancestors were still smearing themselves with feces and running naked after game in the wilds.” It was a great comeback that I had heard from someone whom I admired many years ago and I never forgot it...