Nebraska AG refuses to sue for immigrants’ fair housing rights


Attorney General Jon Bruning is a great American. “I’m not going to use taxpayer dollars to file lawsuits for illegal aliens,” said Bruning after learning that a Hispanic couple said their landlord asked for their driver’s licenses, but didn’t ask the same of non-Hispanic tenants couple. “You’re not going to get a free lawyer” from his office, he said, “if you’re not a citizen of this country.” Bruning, a Republican who has made no secret of his ambition for higher office, argues that the federal 1996 welfare reform law prohibits him from providing legal services to illegal immigrants. He points

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A Plan for Fighting Jihadist Activity in the U.S.


From A Plan for Fighting Jihadist Activity in the U.S.: In mid-April, Rep. Sue Myrick (R-NC) unveiled a ten-point plan for fighting against jihadist activity in the U.S. 1) Investigate all military chaplains endorsed by Abdurahman Alamoudi, who is serving 23 years in prison for funding jihad terrorism.2) Investigate all prison chaplains endorsed by Alamoudi.3) Investigate the selection process of Arabic translators working for the Pentagon and the FBI.4) Examine the non-profit status of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which has had several of its officials convicted on jihad terror-related charges, and was named an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas

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UAC Founder Jesse Petrilla writes about his trip to Egypt


Just like United American Committee founder Jesse Petrilla promised, his full action report of his trip to Egypt to document what life is like for non-Muslims who live under Islam is now online. He wanted to learn what life would be like if our enemies and their allies got their way. Jesse writes, what I saw was an example of the harsh life in store for future American generations in Islamic-dominated regions of the U.S. if we do not work to bring attention to the issue of Islamic oppression now at this critical time in American history.” Jesse reports that

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Just returned from Egypt


A message from United American Committee founder Jesse Petrilla: I have just returned from Egypt on a fact finding mission to learn what life is like for non-Muslims under Islam. We also grabbed some great footage to eventually use in the film the UAC is producing under the working title “An Inconvenient Religion”. I will write a full after action report of my trip to publish in the next few days, but in the meantime you can view a short clip of one of my experiences in Alexandria of Islamic intimidation of Christians. I have posted the clip on YouTube.

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