Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

TagAmerican Jews

Who is Judah P. Benjamin?

I once wrote a response on Smooth Stone to a European’s anti-Israel rant and typed “Don’t you ever forget that we were writing the books that shaped your nation while your ancestors were still smearing themselves with feces and running naked after game in the wilds.” It was a great comeback that I had heard from someone whom I admired many years ago and I never forgot it...

Hillary Rodham Clinton: Her Career and Agendas

Read this article to learn about Hillary Rodham Clinton: Her Career and Agendas. Don’t be one of those dumb Jewish democrats who Julia Gorin accurately described as having paid a thousand dollars a plate to hear Bill Clinton speak — after he sold Israel down the river (by rewarding genocide bombings with more land) or one of those Jews who are still loyal to a political party whose members...

Controversial Professor Denied Tenure at DePaul

Revenge is sweet. From Controversial Professor Denied Tenure at DePaul: Norman Finkelstein, a DePaul University faculty member with outspoken views on Israel and Jewish issues, has been denied tenure. DePaul Dean Chuck Suchar of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences said he found Finkelstein’s attack-style scholarship inconsistent with the university’s commitment to respect for the...

Today in Jewish History – Sivan 24

Sponsored by In 1977, a neo-Nazi group planned to march in Skokie, Illinois, in a largely Jewish neighborhood that was home to many Holocaust survivors. It was believed that the march would be disruptive, and the city refused to allow it. The American Civil Liberties Union came to the Nazis’ support, and in 1978 a high court upheld the Nazis’ right to march, on the grounds...

Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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Join us here at Smooth Stone along with other people of good conscience and put an end to the brutal terror of the Palestinian Authority complicit in the ethnic cleansing of indigenous Jews from their homeland of Israel.

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