Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel


The “tiny minority of Moslem extremists” keeps growing

What is Al-Muhajiroun? It’s supposedly a defunct organization which was banned in the UK, but is now opening up a branch in Denmark. Al-Muhajiroun, an extreme radical Islamic movement that openly supports al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden will open an office in Copenhagen in the next few weeks. “We have already been in Denmark for long, but in the coming three weeks we’ll make that...

Muslims declare sovereignty over U.S., UK

Folks, when are we going to send these fatwa-loving banshees to hell? From WND: Across town from the site of the recent attempted car-bomb attacks, several thousand Muslims gathered in front of the London Central Mosque to applaud fiery preachers prophesying the overthrow of the British government – a future vision that encompasses an Islamic takeover of the White House and the rule of the Quran...

Joking Muslim cleric mocks victims of London blasts

A speech by a Muslim cleric praising the London bombers and mocking victims of suicide attacks has been broadcast on the internet to coincide with the anniversary of the July 7 attacks. The audience laughs as Omar Brooks, a British Muslim convert who also uses the name Abu Izzadeen, makes fun of non-Muslims as “animals” and “cowards”.Brooks — who has previously described the London bombers as...

Islam advocates genocide

Folks, I would like to know when Muslims suddenly were afforded the privilege to promote violence and have it be protected by the First Amendment. Via WND: A New York rally by the Islamic Thinkers Society outside the Israeli consulate yesterday featured chants of “The mushroom cloud is on its way! The real holocaust is on its way!” The demonstration by the Queens-based group was...

Jihad Watch: Inside the sect that loves terror

From Jihad Watch: Inside the sect that loves terror: Great reporting from the TimesOnline with thanks to all who sent this in. A more detailed article is here. AN undercover investigation has caught leaders of a radical Islamic group inciting young British Muslims to become terrorists and praising the Tube bombers as “the fantastic four”. A Sunday Times reporter spent two months as a recruit...

A peek inside the Islamic mind

An excerpt from Daniel Pipes‘s current article, British Islamists Threatened Violence: An Islamist British group called Al-Muhajiroun (Arabic: “the immigrants”) for some time publicly stated that the United Kingdom was immune from Islamist violence because of its acceptable behavior. In an April 2004 conversation, the 24-year-old head of Al-Muhajiroun’s Luton branch, Sayful Islam, announced...

Muslims in NYC desecrate the American Flag. Where’s Newsweek?

Folks, welcome to America, the land where you can hyphenate your truest loyalty with the word “American”, feign your patriotism, then desecrate our flag, just like these Muslim-Americans did in NYC, in Flushing, Queens. (And fly two planes into our largest city and kill 3,ooo people, but that was just an abberation.)Here is a video produced by the loving and peaceful New York-based...

The “Religion of Peace”

Mohammedans in the UK have hailed their Muslim brothers responsible for the September 11 terrorist atrocities on the third anniversary of 9-11. Anjem Choudary, of the cult Al-Muhajiroun, described Osama bin Laden as a “Muslim brother” and claimed he would be elected leader in any Muslim country. The gleeful Choudary is probably right. Bin Laden WOULD be elected in any Muslim country...

Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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