Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel


A Video Portrait of Barack Hussein Obama

His name alone has made a ripple across America. And why not? His name, Barack Hussein Obama, does raise questions: While we are at war with Islamic terrorism, can Americans really elect a man with not one, not two, but three Islamic names? Find out why Americans should not vote for this man, in this professionally produced video, which explains why every aspect of Barack Hussein Obama’s...

Barack Obama sacks Robert Malley over talks with Hamas

Barack Hussein Obama, in an act of political expediency, has asked his hand-picked foreign adviser, Robert Malley, to resign. Robert Malley advocates negotiations with Hamas and providing international assistance to the terrorist group.Malley has written numerous opinion articles, many of them co-written with a former adviser to the mass murderer Yasser Arafat, petitioning for...

Barack Obama’s Muslim Childhood

by Daniel Pipes: As Barack Obama’s candidacy comes under increasing scrutiny, his account of his religious upbringing deserves careful attention for what it tells us about the candidate’s integrity. Obama asserted in December, “I’ve always been a Christian,” and he has adamantly denied ever having been a Muslim. “The only connection I’ve had to Islam is...

Obama-church newsletter: Israel making ‘ethnic bomb’

Barack Hussein Obama surrounds himself with suckers for conspiracy theories. Via WND: Barack Hussein Obama’s Chicago church published an open letter from a Palestinian activist that labels Israel an “apartheid” regime and claims the Jewish state worked on an “ethnic bomb” that kills “blacks and Arabs.” The letter, discovered by the blog Sweetness &...

Democrats dare not to speak of Islamic Jihad

An excellent report documenting the Democrat cowards who have gone soft and refuse to mention the Muslim enemy by its name. Excerpted from Investors Business Daily via JihadWatch: If the New Hampshire debates settled anything, it’s which party has the stomach to take on radical Islam. The Democrats couldn’t even identify the enemy. Not once. Really. We scanned the transcripts of...

Barack Hussein Obama and Senator Alice Palmer

Barack Hussein Obama is a figment of people’s imagination. He is a man without substance, a man without achievements. He is the triumph of hope over intelligence. Hitler had charisma too, although charisma is not a quality one needs to lead the United States of America. Here is a man who does not seem to care about the Kenyans being massacred by the Lau tribe, his fathers tribe, yet wants...

Spy Recalls Secret Mission Saving Ethiopian Jews

From Spy Recalls Secret Mission Saving Ethiopian Jews: In the early 1980s, Gad Shimron, then a young Mossad operative, was sent to Africa to find a way of spiriting away to Israel the thousands of Ethiopian Jewish refugees in Sudan who had fled the Eritrean conflict. Shimron, now 57, said in an interview promoting the English edition of his book Mossad Exodus, “We’re the only...

Cops Link Black Muslim Group to Editor’s Murder

Chauncey Bailey, 57, a journalist, and a former reporter for The Oakland Tribune and the editor of the Oakland Post was walking to work when he was ambushed and slain Thursday morning , about 7:30 a.m., when a man wearing a mask shot Bailey multiple times and then fled. Bailey had been working on a story about Your Black Muslim Bakery before he was ambushed and slain, his colleagues said. Now it...

Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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