Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

Syrian waste turns [Turkish] Hatay coast into growing garbage dump


Solid waste, including medical waste, left in the open sea or in the Asi (Orontes) River, which passes through Lebanon, Syria and Turkey, end up along Hatay’s coast. Typical abuse of others by amoral Syria. From Today’s Zaman:

Solid waste, including medical waste, left in the open sea or in the Asi (Orontes) River, which passes through Lebanon, Syria and Turkey, end up along Hatay’s coast. The waste, primarily of Syrian origin, is creating a serious pollution problem that is becoming increasingly difficult to handle. The governor of Samandağ, on the mouth of the Asi River, Tahsin Kurtbeyoğlu, states that they have difficulty in coping with the problem, despite the 11 workers currently assigned to keep the coasts clean. These coastal cleaners will continue their work during the summer season.

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By Editorial Staff
Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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