Not churches. Not synagogues. Only mosques. The bitter irony is this is only being done because 3,000 Americans were murdered on one day by Muslim terrorists. From WND:
This now available from the U.S. State Department: “2009 Mosques of America Wall Calendar: Limited Edition for Ramadan.”
“Yep, you read that correctly. It’s ‘perfect for Muslim outreach efforts,” according to a commentary at the Gates of Vienna blog. “Where’s the ACLU on this one?”
The product was being advertised by “Global Publishing Solutions,” a division of the U.S. State Department, until bloggers started talking about it.
Officials then apparently hid the page behind the security of a password-protected wall. However, the page is still viewable in a Google cache of the website.
On the Gates of Vienna site, a reader posted a comment recommending the State Department “adorn the calendar with equally vibrant Quranic verses and hadiths, samples of what is preached in those mosques. For example: January: Kill the infidels wherever you find them. February: Allah’s Apostle said: I’ve been made victorious with terror – and so on and so forth.” pointed out the page was pulled after the weblog Snapped Shot posted an image of it yesterday. Snapped Shot said it seems the public servants at State “get all nervous when We, The People actually notice” what they’re doing.
JihadWatch also made available captured screen shots of the top half and the bottom half of the page.