Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

Smooth Stone no longer wants to blog for Bush


Folks, as you already know, I was very determined to see George Bush re-elected this past November. It meant a lot to me; a lot was riding on this re-election. I submitted this blog to the Blogs for Bush website early in Bush’s campaign and was proud to dedicate several dozen posts here towards the cause of his re-election. When he won, I was ecstatic.

Well, nine months have passed and I have made a 180 degree turn. I can no longer align myself in accordance with Bush’s policy on Israel and I disassociate myself precisely because of how he – and Condoleeza Rice (I shudder at the mention of her name) – regard Israel.

Tonight, I read:

The United States pressed Israel on the need for further peace moves after the withdrawal from Gaza but risked resistance from Prime Minister Ariel Sharon who vowed to continue West Bank settlement activity. In an an interview with the New York Times, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice stressed that Israel’s obligations for peace with the Palestinians extended beyond the current pullout. “It cannot be Gaza only,” she said. The Times quoted her as insisting that Israel take additional steps, including measures to ease the movement of Palestinians on the West Bank and to withdraw from other Palestinian towns.

It has only been three days since 8,500 Jewish families were deported from their homes under pressure from BOTH Sharon and Bush, and Condoleeza Rice couldn’t keep her mouth shut long enough out of respect for these families.

“It cannot be Gaza only”.

I can’t think of anything that I have heard recently that cut me like a knife, the way that “It cannot be Gaza only” has.

The gall of Condoleeza Rice and the betrayal of Israel. I can’t tolerate it any longer. Folks, I will still remain a conservative Independent, but Bush and his cabinet – and their disregard for Israel – no longer represent what I believe.

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Editorial Staff
By Editorial Staff
Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



About Smooth Stone

Join us here at Smooth Stone along with other people of good conscience and put an end to the brutal terror of the Palestinian Authority complicit in the ethnic cleansing of indigenous Jews from their homeland of Israel.

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