Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

Six Muslims in New Jersey


You’ve heard the story by now. But no one tells it like the excellent Michelle Malkin. The following is an excerpt from The Jersey Jihadists:

Bio info on the Jersey Jihadists compiled by feds:

NAME: Mohamad Ibrahim Shnewer.
AGE: 22; Born in Jordan.
HOME: Cherry Hill, N.J.
OCCUPATION: Drives a cab in Philadelphia.

NAME: Dritan Duka.
AGE: 28; Born in the former Yugoslavia. Ethnic Albanian.
HOME: Cherry Hill, N.J.
IMMIGRATION STATUS: In United States illegally.
OCCUPATION: Operates Colonial Roofing and National Roofing, which list business address at the home of his brothers, Eljvir and Shain Duka.

NAME: Shain Duka.
AGE: 26; Born January 1981 in the former Yugoslavia. Ethnic Albanian.
LIVES: Cherry Hill, N.J.
IMMIGRATION STATUS: In United States illegally.
OCCUPATION: Operates roofing businesses with his brothers.

NAME: Eljvir Duka.
ALIASES: Elvis Duka, Sulayman.
AGE: 23; Born in the former Yugoslavia. Ethnic Albanian.
LIVES: Cherry Hill, N.J.
IMMIGRATION STATUS: In United States illegally.
OCCUPATION: Operates roofing businesses with his brothers.

NAME: Serdar Tatar.
AGE: 23; Born in Turkey.
HOME: Philadelphia.
IMMIGRATION STATUS: Legal U.S. resident.
OCCUPATION: Works at a 7-Eleven store in Philadelphia.

NAME: Agron Abdullahu.
AGE: 24; Born September 1982 in the former Yugoslavia. Ethnic Albanian.
LIVES: Buena Vista Township, N.J.
IMMIGRATION STATUS: Legal U.S. resident.
OCCUPATION: Works at a Shop-Rite supermarket.

By calling the six Muslims who were about to commit mass murder on our land, “jihadists” instead of Muslims, dilutes the fact that Islam is a conquering, imperialistic, territorial, and aggressive theosophy. Fourteen hundred years of Islamic jihad and the intentions of these six men add to the overwhelming empirical historical evidence that proves that Islam is in fact a militaristic and homicidal institution. With the media and with radio talk show hosts not mentioning that they are Muslims avoids the real questions because then it would mean confronting the nature of Islam itself. Islam is a collectivist faith. It is opposed to the expressed will of the people, and instead favors the will of Allah. It is opposed to individual liberties. It is opposed to freedom of speech. It is opposed to freedom of speech about religion, especially about Islam. It is opposed to full legal equality for women. It is opposed, wherever it comes to power the equal treatment of Muslims and non-Muslims.

The entire purpose of Islam is to make the whole of humanity bow down to its cruel rule and ideology. In doing so, its whole raison d’etre becomes the demonisation of every single non Muslim infidel on Earth.

I, for one, refuse to be fed to the Islamic beast and I will continue to pray that the United States does not show fear in the face of regimes and evil institutions posing as “religion”, for these regimes and evil institutions are markedly inferior in both moral standing and material strength.

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Editorial Staff
By Editorial Staff
Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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