Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

A resurgence of Sufism


Analysts and some Sufis in Saudi Arabia partly credit reaction to the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks in the U.S. for a resurgence of Sufism, a more spiritual and often mystic form of Islam, in contrast to the kingdom’s strict Wahhabi doctrine. “This is one of the blessings of September 11. It put the brakes on the [Wahhabi] practice of takfir, excommunicating everyone who didn’t exactly follow their creed,” said Sayed Habib Adnan, 33, a Sufi teacher. Wahhabis and Sufis view Islam from opposite directions. Keyword(s): Sufism

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Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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