Reform Judaism

Anti-Zionist Reform Judaism

Reform Judaism is nothing but a curse on Orthodox/Conservative Judaism which is totally Zionist and Jewish according to  Halacha  etc.



    • Apologies for the duplicate comment from a moment ago on the prior article.
      (I added to my second comment and didn’t realize that the first one got posted.)
      I’m still figuring it out.

      This is FANTASTIC more news from Israel. May that glorious land always continue to prosper and grow in every single manner.

      Thank you most kindly for those fabulous articles.

  1. Good day HP!
    That was an excellent article regarding the destruction that the Reform movement is doing.
    They corrupted the entire conversion process so that many don’t know who a Jew is anymore.
    We see on Twitter manifold, how so many people who consider themselves to be Jews are not!

    I found it very fascinating how the fact that Orthodox Jews don’t answer the phone on Shabbos as per Jewish law, unfortunately cause the true information about authentic Jews to be erroneous.

    • Reform Judaism doesn’t need to Reform Judaism while Reform is just a cover for Proselytising with the end game converting as many Jews as possible for a so-called “greater cause” .

  2. Good day HP!
    That was an excellent article regarding the destruction that the Reform movement is doing.
    They corrupted the entire conversion process so that many don’t know who a Jew is anymore.
    We see on Twitter manifold, how so many people who consider themselves to be Jews are not!

    I found it very fascinating how the fact that Orthodox Jews don’t answer the phone on Shabbos as per Jewish law, unfortunately cause the true information about authentic Jews to be erroneous.

    Eliyahu HaNavi (Elijah the prophet), will have his work cut out for him when Moshiach comes.

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