Thank goodness for men like Congressman Peter King of New York, who is trying to protect public-transportation passengers from being sued if they report suspicious activity. The lawsuit filed by six Muslim imams against US Airways and “John Does,” passengers who reported suspicious behavior, could have a “chilling effect” on passengers who may fear being sued for acting vigilant. Rep. Peter King, New York Republican and ranking member of the House Homeland Security Committee, offered the motion saying all Americans — airline passengers included — must be protected from lawsuits if they report suspicious behavior that may foreshadow a terrorist attack. Mr. King called it a “disgrace” that the lawsuit against the passengers by the six imams seeks to identify “people who acted out of good faith and reported what they thought was suspicious activity.” You can listen to an audio of Pete King being interviewed on the Mark Levin Show on Talk Radio WABC here. Wake up, America. Muslims are now using our courts to terrorize us. And while every vote against the measure was by a Democrat, 105 Democrats joined 199 Republicans in voting for it. House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers faces a lot of pressure should he attempt to bury it in committee. The final vote results are here.If you see something, say something. Will you still vote for a Democrat in 2008?==============Note: Earlier this month, six publicity-seeking imams filed a federal lawsuit against US Airways and the Metropolitan Airports Commission in Minneapolis/St. Paul. The Muslim clerics were removed from their flight last November and questioned for several hours after their suspicious behavior alarmed both passengers and crew members. Minneapolis Star Tribune columnist Katherine Kersten reported last week that the imams, advised by the grievance-mongers at the Council on American-Islamic Relations, also plan to sue “John Does” — innocent bystanders who alerted the authorities about their security concerns. Rep. Steve Pearce, R-N.M., has introduced legislation to protect John Does who report suspicious behavior from legal liability. The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty; talk show host Michael Reagan; Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, who heads the American Islamic Forum for Democracy; and Minnesota lawyer Gerry Nolting have all stepped forward to offer free representation to the imams’ targets.
Preventing Muslim intimidation of Americans