Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

Perfection Demanded Only from Little Israel


From Perfection Demanded Only from Little Israel:

As much as the dislocations arising from Israel’s re-establishment obsess certain people today, they are tiny compared to dislocations that are hardly noticed anymore. For example, just a year before Israel’s re-establishment, British-ruled India was partitioned into Hindu and Muslim sectors – India and Pakistan. This uprooted 15 million people and cost about a half million lives, but today no one outside India and Pakistan seems to care. Europe has partitioned itself too many times to count. From Finland down to Yugoslavia – whoops, Serbia now – it is impossible to walk more than a few miles without crossing what, within the last 200 years, used to be a national border or without finding a town whose name wasn’t different not long ago. Traces of vanished and dispersed peoples can be found in practically every country – that’s what Connecticut’s Indian casinos are supposed to be about – but everyone is forgiven except for the Jews.

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Editorial Staff
By Editorial Staff
Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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