Palestinians: “Kidnap More Israeli Soldiers”

There ya go. The Muslim killing machine is getting hungry again. From a typically repulsive Muslim news source, Maan News-PA:

The best course of action to secure the release of Palestinian prisoners is the kidnapping of more Israeli soldiers, Abu Yousef, the military spokesman for the An-Nasser Brigades, the military wing of the Popular Resistance Committees, said Thursday. This goes some way to confirming several analysts’ predictions that the prisoner exchange deal, executed on Wednesday, would embolden both Palestinian and Lebanese resistance fighters. He added that the Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, kidnapped in 2006 by militants from Gaza, should not be released until it was possible to arrange a deal that satisfies the needs of the Palestinian people.

The only things the palestinian people need are morality and ethics, two things they will never find in their black book of witchcraft, written 1400 years ago by an illiterate jealous barbaric pedophile.