Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

Palestinians Continue to Terrorize Innocent Jews


Five Kassams [rockets] were let loose towards the Negev this morning, with one or two landing over the Green Line near kibbutzim, and two landing in the Erez Terminal; the others landed in PA-controlled territory. No one was hurt. Today’s barrage followed the firing of four Kassam missiles towards Sderot over the Sabbath, injuring one person by shrapnel and eight more treated for shock.

Two people were killed last week in a Kassam rocket attack in Sderot, including a 3-year-old boy on his way to nursery. His mother, Ruthie Zehavi, is still in serious condition; her leg has been amputated, and she has not yet regained consciousness.

Other Palestinian terror attacks over the weekend:

-Soldiers near Rafiah Yam, Morag and elsewhere in southern Gaza were shot at; no one was hurt…

-A terrorist was shot and wounded in his leg after hurling a firebomb at soldiers in Turmous Aiya, near Shilo…

-At least eleven explosive devices were hurled at soldiers operating in the Balata area of the Shechem district…

-A Border Guard policeman was lightly wounded in a rock-throwing attack near Beit Horon, east of Modiin…

-At least one armed terrorist was shot dead in Shechem, and several were wounded…

-A firebomb attack was reported in the El-Aroub area of Judea, between Jerusalem and Gush Etzion…

Peaceful palestinians

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Editorial Staff
By Editorial Staff
Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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