Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

New Palestinian PM Wants to Work with Israel


Can he be trusted? Or will Muslim madmen eventually silence him by cutting his throat? From New Palestinian PM Wants to Work with Israel:

The new Palestinian government is seeking “intensive and active cooperation” with Israel, Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad said on Thursday. “We have to have some sense of what has happened over the past…seven, eight years. Simple, basic question: Are we better off now than we were then? Then, the situation was not great, but guess what it is like today? It’s catastrophic.” He said the recent division among Palestinians has “destroyed” the vision of a Palestinian state. “This is complete chaos,” he said. “Anyone resisting, however which way they want, whenever they want, from wherever they want, is that resistance? That has destroyed our national project completely.”

From Fayyad Warns Islamic Preachers:

New Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad delivered a stern warning Thursday to some 800 Muslim clergy, including Hamas supporters: He won’t tolerate calls for violence delivered from mosque pulpits and plans to collect militants’ weapons. “We will collect weapons and replace them with pens and books,” he told the crowd. “We won’t allow them (mosques) to be turned into places of incitement and intimidation,” he added. “It’s the responsibility of men of religion to…present religion as a way of tolerance, not as a cover for bloodshed.”

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Editorial Staff
By Editorial Staff
Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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