
Municipal Inspectors Narrowly Escape Palestinian Mob in Eastern Jerusalem

Arabs doing what they do best. From Municipal Inspectors Narrowly Escape Palestinian Mob in Jerusalem via Daily Alert:

Hundreds of Arab teens pelted Israeli cars, police and passersby with rocks in Jerusalem on Monday as rioting over the violence in Gaza continued in the Arab sections of Jerusalem. The graphic images of two city workers who were inside their vehicle when they came under attack topped the TV newscasts in Israel on Monday night. Minutes later an elite unit of undercover Jerusalem police, aided by a Border Police anti-terror unit, arrested the leaders of the attack.

See this too. Fatah Organizes Anti-Israel Riots in Jerusalem:

Palestinian youth organized by Fatah nearly lynched two Jerusalem municipal inspectors in Jerusalem on Monday. Why did Fatah push people to take to the streets? If they didn’t demonstrate against Israel, they would demonstrate against the Palestinian Authority and support Hamas. This raises the question of how much control Abbas really has.